• First Kiss
    You look down, at your toes,
    See your ears turn red,
    See the thoughts in your head.

    You look up, cute, grey eyes
    Looking into my pleading brown ones,
    and smile.

    You take my shaking hand
    And pull me close.
    I close my eyes, and then your soft, gentle lips, find mine.

    Oh, Bliss!
    The feeling of your lips turn hard, sure.
    You put your arms around my neck, mine in your soft hair.

    We hear footsteps, Loud ones;
    The threatning kind.
    We pull apart, regretfull.

    Your mom opens the door;
    and walks away saying "puppy love"

    You look at me with a puzzling look, saying:
    "Wot was that about?"
    We laugh.

    And kiss again