• I long for a new life
    A life full of love
    A life full of wonder
    Full of happiness

    I want to be free
    From the cruel
    Hatred of this world
    Some place to see things
    That are happy and free

    Sometimes I know that
    No one cares
    Sometimes I wonder
    “Do they know I’m there?”
    I want them to stop talking
    As if I’m not there
    I want someone to look at me
    Not someone to stare

    I want someone to love me
    Not leave me under lock and key
    I want to be free
    I want to be me

    I put on a smile everyday
    I try to hide my frown away
    No one else seem to care
    I’m the only one that knows it’s there

    I smiled and tried to hide the lies
    I did this, but no one seem surprised
    I must have been good at it
    I smiled as I felt my life slip

    The little girl brings her knees to her chest
    The teacher said it was time to rest
    The little girl lays her head
    It’s time to sleep where nightmares tread

    Why must we be punished?
    For sins we did not commit?
    For the life no one toke?
    Or simply because we exist?