• I know you can't save me.
    I know i can't save you.
    but please realize that I'm trying to help you.
    I'm not trying to bring you down.
    I'm trying to help you cope.
    but i understand if you don't want me to be around.
    I understand I get on your nerves.
    You can shun me if you want.
    You know how they say I know how you feel?
    I don't .
    I may have been in the same situation but I don't.
    I understand that I can't stand in your shoes.
    I haven't been where you have been.
    I understand I can't feel your pain.
    If you want to talk you can ask and I'll be there.
    I am still your friend.
    I still love you.
    And I am so sorry that I'm not as helpful as I should be.
    I'm sorry that I'm the last person you want to talk to.
    I understand if you want to forget
    everything we've done,
    I can accept it.
    I just hope you understand that I'm still here for you.
    Through all your trails and tribulations.
    Through the agony of your lost.
    I know I can be annoying.
    Just know that I care about you.
    The real thing i want to do is help you.
    Thats all I ask.