That tiny blade
It sits in the shade
In the back of my closet
For safe keeping, I suppose
Until one day, that blade rose
Press to the skin
Blood began to break
A sence of comfort,
A sence of hate
A sence of love
A sence of everything of the above.
That tiny blade
Lets her take a sigh
A sigh so heavy to stop the tears
But it brings the fears
These slinder little red slits
The ones that haunt her
The ones that let her rest.
Press to her palm
A leak of unlet prisoners
She does it because
There was no one there
No one here
She was all alone
No parents, at home
She wanted to cry
All she could imagine was to die
That tiny blade
Was it her enemy?
Was it her friend?
It seemed the only one
That really listened
She wished it would speak
But instead it brings blood
A chilling shiver down her spine
Yes, those scars are mine.
Press to her thigh
To stop the cries
To stop the memories
To stop the feelings
To stop her heart,
for just a few beats.
To stop her nightmares
as she lay scarred beyond the sheets
That tiny blade
Oh, that silver death
Is it mine, is it yours?
We think we could never recover.
We think there is no cure.
Pull through, the therapist said.
The pain grew, her pulse no longer read.
Press to her neck
That last little slit
The one that sent me into darkness
Such a cold, cold feeling
Complete nothing. Completly alone.
Her one fear, the one that made her run
Was now right next to her,
Tormenting her for fun
That tiny blade
It sits in the shade
In the back of her heart
Her no longer beating heart.
A single tear strolled down her young face
Another death, a save too late.
Her palm is open
Her mind is gone
Her parents come home.
Shes no longer alone.
Press to the skin
She sits in a dark hole
One that sits close to her heart
She is nothing now
Just another body in the ground
Her parents cried, night after night
All along, the poor girl
Wasn't really alone.
Her parents were always there,
They had always been home.
That tiny blade
Such a cruel, cruel friend.
The poor girl.
Such a sad, sad blend
Scarred for life.
Scarred for death.
That tiny blade.
Oh, that tiny blade..
That Tiny Blade
I know this is a problem alot of teens struggle with now a days. I want every single one to know that there is someone out there that knows how they feel.
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