In the wicked tunnels and dungeons of Hellfire there is a dragon. His scales are black, clad with armor, a long spiked tail and eyes red as blood. Seronight rules all which his beady eyes can see except two specified places. One is Imortala where the blood thirsty vampires gather and live on every living thing that comes into sight, especially dragon blood which increases their all ready abnormal strength and endurance. Then there is the valley of Rivendora. Within this valley lives the gracious and peaceful dragon of all colors, shapes, and sizes. Our story begins with a dragon with dark red scales, diamond steel armor embedded with the most precious rubies in any land of existence. He has eagle sharp red eyes, sharp talons and pointed curved teeth made for biting through the toughest of armor and flesh. You might think that he is a recreation of the devil however he is gentle until battles or wars. He is Blaze, leader of the guardian dragons of Rivendora.
* * *
In the morning, Blaze wakes up to greet his mother, Emerald, a rather small dragon with green scales, a short snout and tail with small wings. “Good morning mother,” acknowledged Blaze. “Eldernight has requested that you search the land beyond our valley,” cried Emerald. “What’s going on”, inquired Blaze. “There have been many, many attacks on hatchlings and young dragons in our valley. You will scout for intruders and anything suspicious”. Blaze is the strongest, most fierce dragon guardian in the valley of Rivendora.
He gathered his diamond steel armor and headed to the entrance of the den in which he lives. He raised his massive wings and took flight at the speed of a bullet. The wind whipped passed him as if it didn’t exist. With eagle sharp eyes he flew onward. Soon after, he spotted many small dragons fighting with the strangest animal he had ever seen in his life. The creatures had two pointed teeth at either side of their mouth and had two streaks of blood running down the sides of their lips. No matter, they were all enemies. Both dragon minions of Seronight and the creatures all together had to be eliminated. He dived straight for them with teeth bared as he roared. He landed with such a force it nearly knocked them all to the ground. He bit and ripped the head off of one of the dragons, blood spurt in all directions. The creatures leapt at his neck and tried to earn its fill of fresh dragon blood. It didn’t think about the armor upon Blaze’s neck, broke its pointed teeth and ran away. Blaze roared as a jet of flame incinerated the next dragon. He seized the last vampire to bring it back to present it to Eldernight.
He flew to the gigantic castle within Rivendora and landed in front of the castle gates. The guards recognized him at once and let him through without hesitation. He walked forward and entered the castle.
On the ancient throne there lay Eldernight, the wisest dragon with golden scales and a long beard. Blaze knelt down with the unconscious vampire before him. “What have you come with”, questioned Eldernight. “My lord, there is a new beast upon our lands as well as many of Seronights minions,” answered Blaze. “Here is one of the beasts,” he represented. The vampire rose with great agility and hissed at both dragons as he barred his pointed teeth. Blaze slammed him back to the ground and held him there. “Beast”, roared Eldernight. “Who and are you”? “We are the vampires of Imortala”, hissed the vampire. “What are you doing within the lands of Rivendora and why are you hunting our hatchlings”! Eldernight roared with much rage. “There is nothing left to hunt on our lands,” replied the vampire. “We can only feast on the blood of the living,” snarled the vampire as he struggled breathing with Blaze’s taloned foot pinning him to the ground. “Is there more”, demanded Eldernight. “Yes,” choked the vampire. “Blaze”, roared Eldernight. “Go get the other guardians and hunt down every vampire within a ten league radius of our valley”! “Yes my lord”, obeyed Blaze. Blaze crushed the vampire and flew into the valley.
There are four other dragon guardians. Besides Blaze, the first is Amethyst. She is a rather fierce dragon with purple scales, a short tail and snout making her virtually impossible to catch. The second is Ruby, a light red dragon with a long tail, short snout and can breathe the most dangerous jets of fire besides Blaze. Third there is Safire, a dark blue dragon with the ability to maneuver her body in thousands of ways in flight and on the ground. The last dragon is Onyx, a black dragon with razor sharp teeth and talons. However Blaze possesses all of these abilities that are more powerful than any other dragons combined. For this reason Blaze was made leader of the guardians of all Rivendora.
Once he gathered all the guardians they flew toward the outer rim of Rivendora. Amethyst caught sight of a fire in front of an extremely large cave. “Below, do you think we should search it”, questioned Amethyst. “Yes, it would be an ideal hiding camp,” answered Blaze.
They all landed in front of the camp. Blaze lit an enormous fire within the cave. There awoke dozens of vampires all noticing the five dragons before them. They all went immediately went into attacking positions, all of them with claws and teeth bared. As they started to charge the five guardians flew into the air. They surrounded all of the vampires and spread jets of flame throughout the circle. Many died but few still remain. Blaze landed on three of the vampires and killed them all. Sapphire grasped one of them by the head and bit it off with the wrath of a provoked female goddess. There was one more and by the looks of it a coven lord. The vampire withdrew a long thin sword and prepared to fight. Blaze charged forward and with one hit of his mighty foot crushed him flat into the ground. Blood, flesh, and the corpse of the vampires was all that remained. “That’s one coven of who knows how many,” chuckled Blaze. They took flight once more and searched the ground until they saw a trio of vampires running and dodging nearby trees. “Their heading into the valley”, shrieked Ruby. “Hold your ground; I will attend to these intruders”! Blaze flew to the trio and scalded two of them with a dark red jet of flame. He grabbed the last, bit his head off and threw the remains off to the side. The guardians flew for leagues beyond their valley and found nothing. They all decided to return to the valley and report to Eldernight. When they passed the guards and entered the castle, the all knelt down before there king. “My lord, we have slayed every vampire near our valley,” informed Blaze. “Good,” Eldernight said satisfied. “I want you to slay every vampire and intruder that enters our valley on sight,” ordered Eldernight. “Yes my lord,” the guardians replied.
Blaze flew home after catching a few deer for his and his mother’s dinner. “Mother”? searched Blaze as he entered his den. He waited for his mother to return. Shortly he could see the green shape of Emerald fly toward the den. She landed rather softly with another buck within her jaws. She set it down by the other large deer that Blaze had caught. “Hello mother,” acknowledged Blaze. “I see that you have already hunted for dinner,” said Emerald unsurprised as Blaze always hunts a couple of large deer just about every night. “Well, we will have plenty of meat for tonight including tomorrow as well,” said Blaze as he looked upon the large pile of meat. “What happened”, screeched Emerald as she saw the large scratch upon his forearm. “It’s nothing mother, just the monstrous vampires gave a good impact with their teeth and claws,” laughed Blaze trying to calm his mother. “We will tend to your wounds immediately”, retorted Emerald. “Mother I’m fine really,” assured Blaze. However his mother still started wrapping cloth around his upper forearm. Blaze knew that his mother was worried in just about every way; even if she knew to him it was a mere scratch. After they ate, they relaxed and fell sound asleep.
* * *
The next morning Blaze woke up, ate some of the stored meat and took off flying. It was a bit foggy and still slightly dark. He flew on as he felt relaxed by the wind slowly flowing past his face. Out of no-where two dragons attacked him, bit his flesh and scraped him with their claws. Blaze managed to get them off long enough for him to rise higher. They collided together. Blaze realized that it was two of Seronights minions sent to kill him. He grabbed one of the dragons and bit it in the neck and let it fall to the ground. Blaze blew a stream of fire at the other dragon as he dodged its talons. The dragon was burnt on the wings causing it to plunge down to the ground. He flew down to make sure they were dead. One of them lay dead with the blood still flowing thick out of his neck. The other tried to get up. Blaze went to it and crushed its head with his muscular jaws. He searched his surroundings again before taking flight and heading home.
When he returned his mother was already awake waiting for his return. She had a sort of disappointment and shock in her eyes when she saw Blaze. When he landed he limply folded his wings at his sides. “What happened,” mumbled Emerald. “Seronights minions attacked,” sighed Blaze. I’m going to wear my armor from now on and I will have some armor made for you as well.” “Why would I need armor”? inquired Emerald. “There is going to be a war, I can feel it in my veins. If you ever need to defend yourself it is best to have some good armor,” informed Blaze. “These times are very, very dangerous. Stay with me until you at least have a bit of protection.”
They flew to the blacksmith Aronitus, a dragon with great skill in armor crafting. “Aronitus,” acknowledged Blaze. “I need the strongest armor you can make very soon. Will you be able to do it”? inquired Blaze. “Who for”? inquired Aronitus. “My mother Emerald,” answered Blaze. Aronitus measured several lengths, widths and heights of Emeralds body. “Is there any special preferences you want”? inquired Aronight. “I want it to be dark green as the forest, very light in weight, and must be the strongest armor you will have ever made,” requested Blaze. “I should have it by tomorrow around mid-day,” informed Aronight. Blaze thanked him then both Blaze and Emerald took flight once more. “Where are we going now?” sighed Emerald. “Eldernight,” informed Blaze.
They flew on until they reached the guards. “Who are you”? questioned the guards. “I am Emerald, Mother of Blaze, the leader of the guardian dragons,” Emerald said formally. “You may proceed,” said one of the guards. They entered the front doors, walked in and knelt down before Eldernight. “My lord,” acknowledged Blaze. “Yes Blaze,” replied Eldernight. “I will not be able to protect the valley of Rivendora tonight,” informed Blaze. “This is for what reason”? inquired Eldernight. “I have to protect my mother until she gets the diamond steel armor from Aronightis tomorrow,” informed Blaze, “Very well however you must inform the rest of the guardians, they will be on watch for intruders tonight,” ordered Eldernight. “Yes my lord,” obeyed Blaze. Emerald and Blaze flew to the homes of each of the guardians and informed them of the situation. After all of the guardians were informed, Blaze and Emerald flew home.
Once they landed in the den Blaze put on his diamond steel armor and started a small fire in the center of the den. The both soon fell sound asleep… for now.
* * *
In the middle of the night a startling sound awoke Blaze. He quickly awoke his mother and stood protectively in front of her ready for anything. Two vampires burst out of the forest and charged towards Blaze. Blaze bit the head off of one and burnt the other to a crisp. Next a black, muscular dragon three times larger than himself emerged out of the trees. “One of Seronights upper class minions,” Blaze thought. Blaze immediately took flight biting off whatever he could from the dragon’s head. Second he dodged his claws as it tried to take Blaze down. Blazes blew an excruciatingly painful flame upon the top of the dragons head. The dragon fell to the ground and Blaze smashed his skull after he landed upon it. He went back to his mother to ensure her safety. “Mother,” he called out. “Are you all right,” Blaze inquired. “Yes I’m fine,” she answered him as she crawled out of her hiding spot. They both lay back down and slept peacefully.
* * *
In the morning Blaze and Emerald woke up, ate a quick breakfast then headed down to Aronitis to find out if Emerald’s armor was finished. When they arrived they could see the fascinating green armor that looked tougher than any other armor in existence. “Good morning Aronitis,” chuckled Blaze. “Morning,” greeted Aronitis, “Here is the armor you requested,” represented Aronightis. Blaze took the new armor and showed Emerald how to put it on and take it off. Now she had armor, he could continue to protect the valley some more. Emerald flew home however blaze flew to the other guardians.
When he arrived they were already waiting in a circle. I have come to a conclusion. War is at our doorstep. What say you”? shouted Blaze. All the dragons moved swiftly forward. “We agree Blaze,” replied Onyx with a deep voice. “Our valley can’t take any more of this. We fight to the death”! “Let us inform Eldernight of our decision,” decided Blaze with a determined tone. The guardians flew to the castle of their king and after they entered into the castle they knelt before him. “Guardians of Rivendora”! acknowledged Eldernight. “With what news have you come with”? “My lord, we are on the brink of war”! answered Blaze. “We must gather all of our troops to destroy the vampires as well as Seronight and his minions.” “Then war it shall be”! agreed Eldernight. “Light the beacon above the castle and gather every able-bodied dragon in Rivendora to fight with you”!
The guardians of Rivendora flew to the top of the castle and each blew a jet of different colored fire upon the beacon but it did not light. The beacon of Rivendora will not light without all of the guardians. They realized ruby was missing. They immediately searched for ruby. She was on the ground battling two large black dragons. The four dragons landed besides her and blew fire at the two dragons. They backed away momentarily then the guardians flew up and tore off the heads of the two dragons with their talons. Blood spewed in every direction. The victorious guardians again flew to the top of the castle to the beacon and all five of them blew fire upon the beacon and it lit brighter than the stars in the midnight sky. Hundreds of dragons flew to the front of the castle were they landed. Once the entire valley of dragons were there blaze flew to a lower ledge on the front of the castle. “Dragons of Rivendora”! Blaze roared so that all may hear him. “We are on the brink of war with a creature known as the vampire and Seronight along with his minions. They are attacking our valley, our young and they are taking away our pride. We must fight for our freedom and will regain our eternal glory and peace. Tonight we fight not only for our king but also for the freedom we rightfully deserve. Who will fight with me and the guardians of Rivendora”? Thousands lifted into the air and roared to represent their agreement with the guardians. “All who will fight follow me”! roared Blaze. The guardians lead the thousands of dragons that were ready for war.
Once they entered the black desert area between Imortala, Hellfire, and Rivendora. Black dragons came out of Hellfire which were charging the dragons of Rivendora. The guardians and dragons of Rivendora formed and upright wall. When the dragons were close enough the dragons of Rivendora blew thousands of jets of flame towards the black dragon’s corpse fell like rain in the midnight sky. Imortala was aroused and vampires came out like an ocean wave. The dragons flew low and held there talons low. The guardians and dragons flew past them killing hundreds. The vampires started shooting arrows at them and they flew higher. Seven dragons were injured but they still flown as though nothing have happened. “Create a thick wall of fire surrounding Imortala”! roared Blaze. The thousands of dragons circled Imortala while creating a large ring of fire. All the vampires retreated into the depths of Imortala. “Burn the ground at all exits, do not let them escape”! commanded Blaze. Amethyst, Onyx and Safire enter Hellfire and drive Seronight out of his castle. Order 100 dragons to go with the three of you. So the three dragons gathered troops and entered the walls of Hellfire. All remaining dragons follow me”! roared Blaze. They flew and surrounded Imortala. The dragons went in every available entrance and burned every vampire. A pale vampire with a black robe and a sword came out. He appeared to have large fleshy wings. The vampire lord flew into the air like a bat wielding his long sword. Blaze had to deal with this one himself. He took off in the large area and blew a stream of flame at the vampire but he dodged it and charged blade in hand. Blaze dodged it and gave the vampire a good scratch on the back of the head of the vampire lord. He cried out in pain as the hot and thick blood flowed out of his head. The vampire threw his sword at blaze but it missed and Blaze bit his head off and spit it out after his body fell and splattered on the walled cave. Blaze burnt the rest of remains and helped exterminate the rest of the vampires. All the dragons flew out of what used to be Imortala. Together they made a formation outside of Hellfire and waited.
Out came Amethyst and the other dragons. They joined the formation and waited for Seronight to come out. After waiting several minutes, Seronight slowly walked out of his castle in Black armor, his head and spiked tail. His beady red eyes surveying the battle field before flying out. His wings flapped heavily against the wind with a powerful beat. The dragons of Rivendora formed a sphere around Seronight and seared his flesh until none was left. Everyone was astounded at how quickly they eliminated the deadliest dragon in the galaxy.
Later all the dragons were back at the valley and were in peace at last. A few weeks after their victory, Eldernight died peacefully on his throne with the knowledge that his valley need to fear none from now throughout eternity.
The new king sat upon his throne and looked down at his valley and finally, after the war, settled down in piece and remembered his former king.
- by Daarkblood |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/20/2010 |
- Skip

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