Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- people in and out your life by teh_cookeh_stealin_teddy
- this is why i think people come into your life and then leave out of it
- tips on how to be a spy by kiwi da raccoon
- chapter 1 spying on people WHEN i get money to make a guild all people who are interested can join but plz donate money
- ElfBane, Chapter 4 by Shining Soul Forever
- PLZ read chapter one, two, and three before this one!
- Let's Never Forget by Astomiko
- This is something I wrote today, on the 11th day of the 11th month. Other wise known as Rememberance Day. Many abuse this day and sleep all day, or hang with friends, but it is so much more. If everyone would take two minutes o...
- in the world of smooth im san by sarutobi2341
- sad memory of my life
- The Many Acts [Act 1] by SUMMERTIMEGIRLS
- this story is about a girl who learns tht thier is many acts in the world the good ones and the bad ones.And this she finds out will be the first of many good and bad act.Yes this is a new sieries it called the many acts.i will...
- The Storming of the Bastille by VictorianUnderCovers
- A historical fiction journal entry written from the point of veiw of a middle class girl of about the age of 16. Based on the Storming of the Bastille.
- the real me by myshatteredlittleheart
- i think it is sad when people choose to judge a book by its dont know what goes on in somebodys lif or why people choose to do the things they do or be the way they are.there is a gem in us all .no two people are the ...
- Don't Fall by loonett
- There is more now for people who want to read what happens next!
- Yaoi anime clash ch.1 by got_it_memorized105
- this is where so of the characters came from Desiree~me~ muraki~Descendants of Darkness Alexander Sterling~vampire kisses Raven Madison~vampire kisses
- this is my Dream by SoMeOnEsPrciousA_n_G_e_L
- this is about a dream I had and it was the strangest thing ever
- The pain by ToBi-LuVs-U
- Grrrr...
- The Battle Field Affect by Elliot W
- Feel free to add it to your pro!
- 10 things about dads by prettyginafur
- funny
- Final exam essay by refnegafadiag
- The full title is "The Effects of Social and Political Pressure on Interpretations of the United States' Constitution" and was submitted for the final exam for the very last class I took before earning my undergraduate degree i...
- Distance Formula by strayanimus
- o///o
- A Death in the Alice by Liahara
- Lets just say this is a crap short story of the long story I'm writing of this. It is about a murder in the Alice which turns out complicated.