• In the beginning of civilization in Antarctica, a woman had birth to a story, witch this new life will live and conquer .His name was southern current which was given to him because of his heroic strength and courage

    On the skyward top of mount Olympus. A child waits for the god’s to notice him at the gates at the top of the mountain. As time passed and not much time may I say that. Southern current started to grow he was developing the muscles that will someday make stories that go far beyond legends.
    As the young hero grew he recognized his god given strength and so did the other towns people. Everyone was noticing that Southern Current was doing the work of twenty men throwing ice as quick as the wind blows snow.
    When Southern Current was old enough his mother told him the prophecy of were he came from and that he needed to go to the tallest iceberg south of the village. And wait 3 days till he hears his calling coming from the sea.
    So southern current headed off to fulfill his destiny. Southern Current was on a wide thick sheet of ice with harsh winds and sharp snow that felt like he was getting bit by rabid dogs. Southern current was cold and tired and collapsed under the pressure of the weather.
    As Southern Current lay there face down on the ice staring down into the water, wondering if this was actually going to happen to him. As he stared he saw something swim in front of his view. It passed him three times before coming to a stop in plain site. And it said get up no son of mine will be beaten down from something do petty.
    After hearing that, Southern Current was sure what his mother told him about him was true. He forced his body to get up off the hard cold ice and push forward to the tallest iceberg off in the distance.
    When Southern Current got to the tallest ice berg in the south he was astonished by the skillfully etched iceberg shaped like a merman with a trident in his right hand. Southern Current was so distracted that he did not notice the beast standing at the base of the iceberg.
    The beast glared at Southern Current preparing to strike southern current to the ground. Then the beast leaped at southern current and accomplished knocking him to the ground. And southern current swiftly Jumped back onto his feet puzzled by what had just happened to him.
    Southern Current brought out his weapon knowing the beast was there now. The beast strikes again and Southern current knocks the beast back to were it had leaped from. In a quick motion southern Current
    threw his weapon at the beast and hit in the head so the beast left Southern Current alone.
    So Southern Current proceeded on staying near the ice berg for 3 days. The next morning after the 3rd day he heard a voice coming from above him as he lay at the base of the ice berg.”Son it is me your father I have a task for you to do I want u to push all the surrounding floating ice bergs together so it may form one giant ice mass.
    So Southern Current did what his father asked and that is how Antarctica was formed today. The myth of southern current was told to many children throughout history.

    By Gary Caldwell