- In a dark and dystopia future, Tokyo is rampant in crime and corruption just beneath the surface. SPECTRE, an underground security force, is an independent entity created to deal with the city's hidden darkness. Half and his partner, Breaker, are two contract agents in their employ. Along with SPECTRE's other elite agents, their aim is to police the corruption by any means necessary. What awaits these dark heroes?
- by IsseiShikimoto |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/19/2015 |
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- Title: Half//Breaker
- Artist: IsseiShikimoto
- Description: Concept/idea. Critique. Ask if necessary. This one is difficult to find a solid plot line for, but the basic premise is simple: think Ghost in the Shell, but darker, less realistic, and a bit less polished. Thanks for your input.
- Date: 03/19/2015
- Tags: halfbreaker
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