- Standing, waiting, anticipating, the gun yet to go off. My hands shake and I'm already sweating, but who wouldn't be? The sun is beating down on us, the sky cloudless. Butterflies race around my stomach and anxiety starts to take over. The gun is raised and I try to breath through my nose and calm myself down. Nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about, I say over and over in my head. I calm myself down enough to take a good look at the other five people lined up next to me, they glimpse back, and a few of them smile at me. The people who smile, they are nervous too, I can tell. I tense up as the man holding the gun starts to shout. Nothing to worry about. The gun goes off and I take off sprinting, pure adrenaline courses through my veins. My legs burn, my feet are aflame, and I'm flying, hurtling past the others. Arms pumping, breathing deeply, crowd roaring, I'm running.

- Title: Not What It Seems..
- Artist: Dreiyth
- Description: Another older piece I wrote when I was still running track.
- Date: 06/23/2013
- Tags: seems
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