• The Starts never seemed some vibrant and alive. They danced through out the sky as if in celebration, but they were ignorant; they would never know the real danger lies ahead and that was only the beginning of the war. The long black robe draped over a hooded figure as he glanced to the sky and saw the tiny dots of yellow and white beam. He turned toward the large, blue stone emitting from the earth in front of him. "How must I do fight? I can I defence with no strength? How must I attack with no force? The prophecy foretold of very little. I am so unclear."

    A small voice softly whispered back, "Become clear. It is not hard. The trick is not to worry. But how do we not worry with chaos all around us? That is the question .Maybe we don't stop worrying. Maybe we don't become unclear. We change our unclarity to awareness. That is the first step. As for the prophecy, little is to be deciphered until the next meeting. It is no surprise it was delivered to you. The surprise is how you are going to deal with it."

    "But what must I do? You have to help! I cannot do this on my own-"

    "Nor will you. But I cannot tell you what to do."

    "I don't kno where to start! And this boy? How am I supposed to find an almighty powerful-"

    "The meeting, tomorrow, that is where you will begin."


    The light of the morning sun poured into the room. A young man, by the name of Jayson Rider tumbled out of bed and opened the door quickly...