Merged Team - Day 24
*Leland and Willow are in the shelter.*
Leland: So it's Kiah, right?
Willow: HURRR DUUURRR -__-; Retard of course it is.
Leland: <_____<;
Willow: (camera) So I think it's pretty much settled, Kiah will be voted off tonight. See ya later Kiah, had to get rid of you sooner or later!
*Kiah is walking along the shore.*
Kiah: (camera) I talked to Snow about the whole brother and sister thing, and she said she'll talk to Alex about it. Ughh im so nervous and uncomfortable. If I survive this tribal council, it will definatley be a MIRCALE.
*Clip of Kiah.*
*Snow then approaches Alex in the woods.*
Snow: Ok, so this is what happened, Kiah's saying we need to get rid of Willow OR Leland. I mean, their bro and sis. :/ I don't think a relationship can get stronger than that.
Alex: =/
Snow: I mean, even if we DO get rid of one of them, we will still have numbers.
Alex: True, but I don't want Leland or Willow going against us later.
Snow: Don't they hate each other anyway? Dx
Alex: >w<
Alex: (camera) I thought tonight was gonna be a bit smoother....but I guess not. Either we stay strong into the final four and get rid of Kiah...OR...we break a REALLY strong bond and get rid of Willow or Leland.
*Clip of Leland and Willow.*
Alex: (camera) This sucks =/
*Leland appraches Alex.*
Leland: So, it's Kiah right?
Alex: Yep...
Leland: :3
Leland: (camera) I HOPE no one makes any last minute plans. I wanna feel SOMEWHAT safe this tribal council.
*Snow is with Willow and Kiah around the fire.*
*Snow is looking at the fire.*
Snow: (camera) It could be ANY of us for all we know :/ The decision isnt final until the tribe has spoken.
*Clip of Willow, Snow, Alex, Leland and Kiah walking with their torches.*
Alex: (camera) No matter what happens, it will not be an easy vote...and atleast I'm safe. -w-
*Camera zooms out.*
*Nighttime. We see Willow, Snow, Alex, Leland and Kiah walking to tribal council with their torches lit.*
*The torches along the path light the way to tribal council.*
*Clip of a snake slithering along the path.*
*They all walk under the arch and up the steps.*
*They enter and see Yummi standing.*
*They all put their torches in the slots, behind them, and they all sit down.*
Yummi: Now we'll bring in the members of our jury D;
*They all look to the side, where the jury members come out.*
*Lucky and Ririsu come.*
Yummi: Lucky and Ririsu, voted out of the last tribal council.
*Lucky and Ririsu sit on the jury side.*
*Clip of Ririsu.*
*Clip of the 5.*
Yummi: Ok, Alex, how good does it feel, having that immunity necklace around your neck, KNOWING you're gonna be in the fianl 4?
Alex: It's a hell of a good feeling! I worked alot to be in the spot...so thank God! XD
*Ririsu rolls her eyes.*
*Clip of Lucky.*
Yummi: Kiah, you're the LAST remaining member of the Green Team.
*Kiah nods.*
Yummi: You must NOT be feeling confident at ALL.
Kiah: Not at all =/ There's literally NOTHING I can do at this point. It's really up the the people in the alliance, if they want to make some sort of a move.
*Clip of Alex*
Yummi: Kiah, why should they keep you?
Kiah: Umm...i would say i'm not really a threat at challenges.
Leland: Lies -3- She won immunity last time and she was THIS close to winning again.
Kiah: Actually, i BOUGHT immunity last time, and the only reason why I was close is because my friend was there to help me >___>;
Snow: o.o
Yummi: Snow, has there been any arguements between Kiah and Leland? Or anyone else?
Snow: Not that I know of D: I mean...ehh..idk >w>
Yummi: Alex, did Kiah say anything to try and have you think on keeping her?
Alex: Ummm...yeahh she did. She said it would probably be better to break up Leland and Willow because they're bro/sis.
*Clip of Leland and Willow.*
Willow: Ummm I just wanna say I never did anything to Kiah, so I don't know why she would think that.
Kiah: I never said it has to be done, I just thought it would be a good strategic move.
Leland: -3-
Yummi: Leland, what do you do? In a situation like this?
Leland: I'll vote out the person who we planned to. Kiah. There. No more problems for the rest of the game.
*Clip of Kiah.*
Yummi: Ok, Alex has immunity, you CANNOT vote for Alex, everyone else is fair game, it's time to vote!! D:!!!
- by i_YummiYummi_x3 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/22/2011 |
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- Title: Survivor: Gaia! Ep8part3
- Artist: i_YummiYummi_x3
- Description: Part 3 of Survivor: Gaia episode 8
- Date: 06/22/2011
- Tags: survivor gaia ep8part3
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