• Yummi: Ok, it's time to vote--

    Explode: Actually, Yummi, can I say something?

    *Leland, Alex, Snow and Willow all turn to Explode.*

    Yummi: Mmk. o: Whats going on?

    Explode: I've been doing alot of thinking...and...i decided to leave the game tonight.

    Leland: o.o

    Willow: Wow...

    Yummi: So you're saying...you want to quit?

    Explode: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I feel like i came here for ONE reason, and that was to just dominate this game...but other personal things crossing my mind...and...yeah >->;

    Alex: Explode, are you sure you wanna do this...?

    Snow: Yeah, we might need you later on... :/

    Explode: I'm sure....

    *Clip of Willow.*

    Yummi: Alright, Explode, bring chur torch on over here o:

    *Explode rises. He then gives everyone a group hug.*

    Explode: Take out the Green Team! D<

    Leland: Will do o:

    *Explode grabs his torch, walks in front of Yummi and places it in the slot.*

    Yummi: Explode, for your wishes.....

    *Yummi snuffs out his torch.*

    Yummi: Go home v.v

    *Explode nods. He then walks down the steps and disappears into the darkness as his team watches.*

    *Clip of Snow.*

    *Clip of Leland, surprised.*

    Yummi: Well, it's down to 4 of you now. Explode quit for a reason, we all don't know. But don't let THAT bring you, or the game down...grab chur torches..head back, goodnight D:!

    *Willow, Snow, Leland and Alex all grab their torches and walk out of tribal council.*

    *Camera zooms out.*