Name: Ellie

    Hair Color: Purple

    Personality: Let's find out smile

    Name: Kit

    Hair Color: Red-ish Pink

    Personality: Same description as Ellie.

    Name: Mizuki

    Hair Color: Black

    Personality: Sarcastic, Artistic, Funneh, Random, Nice (I thinkXD), etc.

    Don't worry, I'll re-do the descriptions another time. Just send me the description you want. (and appearance & abilities)

    To teh Storeh~

    Mizuki POV

    Ellie, Reina, & I were just playing kick the can until Reina ate the can (hahaha, sorry. i just needed to put that in.)

    Ellie: Omj, Reina?! Again?!
    Kit: It told meh to eat it!
    Ellie: *facepalm*
    I hear a rusle sound in the bushes.
    Me: Guys, listen.
    I see them listen to the sounds. Then we here voices:
    ???1: Tobi, shuttup!
    ???2: But Sempai! Tobi wants to introduce himself to pretty girls!
    ???1: You can do that once we kidnap them!
    That made us alert. Ellie took out her sycthe while Reina took out her sword. I took out my stapler.
    Ellie: Seriouslly, Mizuki? A stapler?
    Me: I can always staple them...
    ???3: Look what you two idiots did. Now they know we're out here.
    The three people came out of the bush. One was a blonde guy with his hair in a pony tail and hair on his left eye. The second one had short black hair with an orange swirly mask with one eye hole. The last one had red hair and a blunt expression.

    To Be Continued...


    Me: I am SOOOOO sorry it was short! I'm typing this on my DSi and typing on a tiny screen hurts. (Long story. I'll tell ya what happened another time).