Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by King Eggman...
(Nasty: Wait, you're a king?
Eggman: Yeah, I'm liking this story al ready!)
King Eggman and his beautiful wife Rouge the Bat.
(Nasty: In you're dreams
Eggman: Shut up!)
Today is the first birthday of their dear child, Princess Amy, and to bless their beloved child, the royal family has invited al the magical fiaries in the kingdom.
"Dearest Princess, may you be blessed with the beautifullness!" Tikal said as her wand shine and sparkles flew over baby Amy and see flew away as a fairy Cream approuches baby Amy.
"Amy, I will give you great friends!" Cream's wand shine and Amy glowed. And as Cream left and Lumina Flowlight begin to bless Amy, a dark vortex has appeared in the centre of the room causing every to stop and gasp at it. (Except for the fat guys snatching all the food and a few guys strealing the wallets of the guys who are staring at the vortex)
"Ho dare you all!" A dark chilling voice roared out as out of the vortex was the demonical fairy of the kingdom, Void. "You have invited every single fairy in the kingdom but me?"
"I did invite you," Eggman said, "I left a message on your answering machine."
"I have an answering machine?"
"Don't you remember? I gave it to you for Christmas!"
"If that's true, than how come I haven't got any message telling me I was invited?" Void asks.
And back at Void's castle, two gremlin-like creature are whimpering by the broken answering machine.
"Think Void will beat us?" One asks.
"Don't worry about it, he never notice anything he gets." The other replied.
"Whew!" The first said drying the sweet on his forehead. "How is there a telephone and a answering machine in a medievil fantasy fairy tale?" Thr gremlin asks and the other shrugged his arms.
Back at the party, Void is in a red aura from rage. "If I was invited, how come nobody come to get me?"
"Eh, we figure we start since we did want something weird as you here." Rouge replied. "Who ever heard of a male fairy?"
"Weird?" Void said as the aura turn into flames, "You're a freakin bat who married a egg-shape human and had a hedgehog for a BABY!"
"Hey, no one ask how a frankenstien and a vampire had a werewolf for a kid in the Munsters." Eggman replied.
"That's it!" Void said as he lifted his right hand in the air charging up a blue energy ball. "For making me loo like an idiot, I send a CURSE! Upon your daughter's 13th birthday, she will p***k herself on a spinning wheel and will be dead!" The glowing ball was toss into Amy and Void laughed an evil laughter as he escape into a vortex.
"Eggman, what'll we do?" Rouge asks.
"Easy, tell Amy she's not allowed to date till after she's 13!" Eggman laughed.
"WHAT? Eggman, she's going to die!"
"Oh relax, iwho the hell is stupid enough to p***k themself on a spinning wheel?"
Everything then turn to a corner of the room where they see the Tails Doll keep on running into a spinning wheel get rip everytime he gets p***k.
"But we better burn every spinning wheel in the kingdom just in case." Eggman said and as the King and the Queen discuss this, Lumina was charging her magic.
"I was going to give you the gift to end all world hunger. But whe needs that? Anyway, here's a better gift, I can not fully reverse Void's spell, but I can break it for when you touch the spinning wheel, you shall for asleep till a prince kiss has awaken you." And with that, Lumina's magic was fully charged and he powers surronded Amy as she glowed a bright pink aura.
That night, every single spinning wheel was burn to a crisp, along with marshmallows being roosted over the fire.
"Man are these great!" Eggman said as he bites on his marshmallow and then toss it out as it burns his tongue.
"Wait till it cools off!" Rouge said as she bits her marshmallow.
After that, the princess has been growing up, and everyday after she turn five she keep asking her father, "Daddy, I can go out with-"
"NO!" Eggman answered as he went back to eating his food.
"But when can I date?"
"After your 13!" Eggman said as he went into laughter and accidently chok on his food and Amy blink at him confusionly.
And here is the day she's been waiting for, her 13 birthday, and not just Amy was dreading for this day, cause the diabolical Void has been waiting for today for his curse to be unleash.
"That follish king," Void laughs a evil laugh as he sits on his throne with various monster before him, "He may have burn every spinning wheel in the kingdom, but his daughter will still die from my magic!" Void lifts up his hands and sparkles form causing another spell.
Back at the castle, Amy was trying on her dress with her mother helping her. "Mom, you think this dress is too poofy?"
"Nonsence, it looks gorgous on you!" Rouge said as he look at her daughter wearing a dress so pink and poffy, she looks like a cotton candy. "I'm going down to help with the party and I want you to finish getting ready."
"Okay!" Amy nodded as she watches her mother exit the room and the pink hedgehog went to doing up her hair-quils. As looks herself in the mirror, she caught a glimpse of a spinning wheel behind her. "How did that get in here? And what is it anyway?" She anks since her father burned every spinning wheel, Princess Amy has no knowledge of what it is. "Hey, look at that point!" Amy said cheerfully as she pokes the point with her fingure and then she feel to the floor with a small THUD!
"Well," Lumina sighed as she floats outside the window watching everything, "Looka like it the hundred years sleep. But everybody will come and look for the princess...thinking she's ead and wil bury her...or burn her..." Lumina punder for a moment, "I'll put every to sleep to till the spell wears off with my magic!" Lumina cheered as her wand glowed.
Inside the castle hallways, E-123 Omega and Metal Knuckles, the castle's gaurds were talking to each other.
"Today is the princess's birthday." Omega said in a cold voice.
"Yeah, to bad she be found dead in the morning." Metal Knuckles sighed in his emotionless voice. Suddenly Lumina appeared with a glowing hammer.
"GO TO SLEEP!" Lumina yelled out as she wacked the two robots with her magical hamer. And this continue until every single creature, cyborg and robot in the castle is sleeping for an eternity until the magic spell on the princess is over.
Years later in a far-off kingdom, lies Prince Sonic as he plays his guitar in the castle courtyard and the girls around him gawk at him. "Thank you girls!" Sonic said as the girls cheered, "That was 'His World', or my world in other words." Sonic joked causing the girls to giggle.
"Sonic!" Queen Aleena hollared out as she walks down the stairs from the castle to met her son.
"What's up ma?" Sonic asks while still playing some chords.
"I have just gotten word that a near-by kingdom has lost it's royal family mystiously and I would like you to-"
"Lead an army to conquar it?" Sonic asks while weilding a sword in the air.
"No, to search for the answers what's happening."
"Can't someone else do it?" Sonic whined.
"Those guys are on vacation." Aleena replied.
"Loosey servan't union..." Sonic grumbled under his breath.
It took about a few hours for the prince to use his super speed to zoom across his kingdom and reach the castle of the Rose Kingdom.
"Wow, this place needs a gardener!" Sonic said looking at the thorn and vines covering the castle.
"Foolish mortal!" A cold echoey voice said in the air.
"Who said that?" Sonic said as he looked around everywhere.
"I am Void!" The diabolical creature said as he appeared out of a vortex. "I don't know what you are doing here, but you may be a threat to my curse. Maybe my little pet will deal with you."
"Uh, pet?" Sonic question, and then Void snap his fingers, and crashing through the ground was the Biolizard.
"What in the blue blazes is that thing?" Sonic screamed out and went into a Sonic spin and dash at the Biolizard but only bounce of his scales. "DAMMIT!" Sonic cursed out, but then went into shock as Biolizard shot out dark energy balls. "I know what those things are, or do I want to know!" Sonic yelloed out as he leaped and summersaulted out of the way of each dark ball.
"You may have survived now, but it'll be futile!" Void laughed.
"Shuttup!" Sonic shouted as he grab a rock and toss it at Void's head.
"OW!" Void said as he rub his sore forehead.
"Okay pally," Sonic said as his fist begin charging with blue energy, "Let's see if your skin can defend against this, SONIC WIND!" Out of his fingers, a blue tornado was swirling to the Bilizard who made a crying roar on pain.
"MY BIOLIZARD!" Void yelled in rage, "YOU'LL PAY HEDGEHOG!"
"I've had enough of you!" Sonic shouted as he run up a fallen piller and dash into Void and kick him into the 'Spnoc Wind' with the Biolizard. "That takes care of both of them..." Sonic said as he watches both the dragon-monster and Imp-creature burn in the blue energy. "Punkass!" Sonic muttered as he enter the castle.
"Man, was there some party or what!" Sonic said as he goes through room looking at everyone sleeping on the ground, he also went through everybody stealing their wallets. "What's in this room?" Sonic asks as he opens the door and see's Sleeping Amy on the floor. "Hello cutie!" Sonic said as he looks if anyone's around, he lifts Amy up and presses his lips againts hers. Suddenly a light filled Amy and everyone in the castle, and soon they all open their eyes.
"Hello!" Amy smiled as the kiss was over and Sonic look at her nervously, "I'm glad I can now date on my 13th birthday, cause you're my best present ever!"

- Title: Chao Fairy Tales
- Artist: wdsdsfsd
- Description: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3704253/3/Chao_Fairy_Tales
- Date: 03/21/2011
- Tags: chao fairy tales
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