• there was once a boy who fell down his apartment laundry vent to the underland, and fell in love with someone there, but thought he could see her everyday, he wasn't happy, and will always miss her.

    there was once a 2 year old who fell to the underland, and met HUGE cockroaches. she wasn't scared of them, they were nice to her, she was treated as a princess too, she even learned to speak cockroaches. now, she has to live a life with everyone killing her once was friends.

    (note : the first two were from actual books, these aren't)

    there was once a person who thought about life too seriously, and wanted to kill themselves, but couldn't. he thought 'I don't want to live in a life with people killing our homes, killing the planet, kiilling us.' so he stopped using his car, he tried convincing his friends, but they would be late to work if they did.
    He was determined to live in a world without pollution, so he wrote to many organizations, and governments, and people. finally, he got a reply from the president. the president thought about this, and offered to help, so he force his people to stop using cars, and destroyed all the cars to make some transportation environmentally good. Thought the man got what he wanted, when all the cars were destroyed, he was not there to live through it, and didn't get his wish.

    there was once a little girl who hated history. everyone questioned her why her reply ' why do you hate art, why do you hate math, why do you hate science? when you figure out why, come back to me, and i'll tell you the answer ' nobody came back to her because they already knew the answer.
    the little girl thought and thought, until she came up with this thought ' when Albert Einstein was alive, did he know everyone was going to study, and improve what he did? in the middle ages, what would the europeans do if they knew that we would study them? in the future, will we be studied? don't people ever ask whether it is okay to study other people? if i were someone like shakespeare, would i like it if people took my plays, my possesion, the only thing i had, and changed it to something i may not like?' of course this is just a thought, and she died right after the thought for her time had come.

    this isn't a very good story, but it's long, takes up time, and maybe people will wonder the same thing the little girl, and the man who never lived to have his wish fulfilled wanted.