• Lysha-Chan: hey idk how long i will be on today cuz my aunt is going to take me and my mom to her old house then we are going to go to my grammas and then home

    aL3xDr: ok

    aL3xDr: i just woke up so he wants me to git breakfast so brb in 15 min

    Lysha-Chan: ok?

    Lysha-Chan: when you get back just keep typing

    aL3xDr: ok

    aL3xDr: ok

    aL3xDr: im cold

    aL3xDr: i mean it

    aL3xDr: im frezzing

    aL3xDr: damn it help me

    Lysha-Chan: ????????????

    aL3xDr: im now frozen solid

    aL3xDr: oh nm there u r

    Lysha-Chan: what the hell

    aL3xDr: its not hell cuz hell is hot and im cold

    Lysha-Chan: ok??

    Lysha-Chan: You no your weired right

    aL3xDr: but mabey i will kill myself then i will go to hell and be warm

    aL3xDr from x.x.x.34 changed name to dylan 3 seconds ago

    Lysha-Chan: lol

    Lysha-Chan: and i can only talk for about 15 to 20 mins

    dylan: oh ok so if u have anything importent to say say it now

    Lysha-Chan: nope you

    dylan: not right off hand

    Lysha-Chan: k

    Lysha-Chan: and my aunt is so wired

    Lysha-Chan: weired

    dylan: y

    Lysha-Chan: idk she just us

    Lysha-Chan: is

    dylan: ok

    dylan: im sad

    Lysha-Chan: y

    dylan: all the hot chicks got out of the bath

    dylan: crying

    Lysha-Chan: ..........

    dylan: kill me now

    dylan: crying

    Lysha-Chan: .................

    dylan: wat? question

    Lysha-Chan: ur a dumeass

    dylan: 4 1 its dum and 4 2 y?

    Lysha-Chan: nm

    dylan: ok?

    Lysha-Chan: l

    Lysha-Chan: k

    dylan: 6

    Lysha-Chan: 6?

    dylan: yes 6

    Lysha-Chan: whats witht he 6?

    Lysha-Chan: whats with the 6?

    Lysha-Chan: brb in about 5 to 10 mins

    dylan: kk

    Lysha-Chan: back

    Lysha-Chan: ?

    dylan: kk

    dylan: hes lucky

    dylan: he gits to go to hell where its warm

    Lysha-Chan: ................

    dylan: yep

    Lysha-Chan: ..................

    dylan: bbbbbb

    Lysha-Chan: ??????

    dylan: oooooooooooooooooooo

    Lysha-Chan: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Lysha-Chan: ?????????????????????????????

    Lysha-Chan: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Lysha-Chan: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

    dylan: idk im bored

    Lysha-Chan: ok??

    dylan: damn it brb in 15 min

    Lysha-Chan: sara

    Lysha-Chan: k?

    Sara-san from x.x.x.126 joined the chat 3 seconds ago

    Sara-san: yup

    Sara-san: k

    Lysha-Chan: Bite me is pissing me off

    Sara-san: why

    Sara-san: going slow

    Lysha-Chan: it wont let me fit

    Sara-san: fit?

    Lysha-Chan: sorry fite

    Lysha-Chan: that is still wrong

    Sara-san: fight

    Lysha-Chan: yes

    Sara-san: it wont let u fight

    Lysha-Chan: i fail

    Sara-san: ok....then reload it

    Lysha-Chan: it keeps saying "Climb in a cofen and come back in a few hours"

    Sara-san: you ran out of energy

    Sara-san: so u have to wait a couple hours

    Sara-san: stupid

    Lysha-Chan: i did that and it still wont let me fight

    Lysha-Chan: i left for 4 hours

    Lysha-Chan: Hello??

    Sara-san: sry was talking to mom

    Lysha-Chan: ok?

    Sara-san: i got a camera

    Lysha-Chan: nice

    Sara-san: kenny tricked me into thinkin only matt got one

    Sara-san: yup

    Lysha-Chan: lol

    Sara-san: wait how r u on ther computer

    Lysha-Chan: i'm at my aunts

    Lysha-Chan: Dumeass

    Lysha-Chan: Sara?

    dylan: sorry i gtg 4 a while

    dylan: bye

    Lysha-Chan: well i proble wont be here

    Lysha-Chan: i am going home in about 20 to 30 mins or less

    dylan: ok call if u get back

    Lysha-Chan: So Bye Bye

    Lysha-Chan: i'll be at saras later after i get back

    Lysha-Chan: (that is if my aunts doesint take 3 hours)

    Lysha-Chan: Bye

    Lysha-Chan: Sara are you even there?

    Lysha-Chan: I take that as a no so bye..

    Lysha-Chan from x.x.x.248 left the chat