• chapter one

    “Chrissie you’re such a baby sometimes!” My best friend Kitty exclaimed as she leaned over me, a deadly weapon clutched in her hand and pointing at my face.
    “Oh god I think I’m going to be sick…” I moaned as my eyes became glued to the glistening metal of the needle. Kitty cackled, her chaotic black bunches wiggling madly. Kitty has always looked a bit odd, but now she looked totally crazy, why the heck had I agreed to this.

    “Chrissie Darling, I’m a professional with tons of experience, relax, you won’t even feel this.” She murmured in an attempt to clam her hysterical patient that was unfortunately me, who knew a hell lot more about Kitty’s ‘experience’ than her other victims, ahem, I mean patients.
    “Kitty! You’re next-door neighbour’s ear and your six year old brother’s nose does not count as experience.” I growled as she twirled the needle’s tip in the sweet smelling candle’s fire. My stomach made a rumbling noise.

    “What ever Chrissie, I’ve used my last herbal candle for this so shut up and stop acting like a little kid.” She snapped, rather unfairly I thought. She wasn’t the one having a giant hole being stabbed into her ear by a fourteen year old. Removing the needle from the flame, Kitty began to close in on me, I began to sweat and I swear to dear god that I was about to vomit right in her overly made up face.

    “Annnnnnd in we go.” Kitty muttered as I felt the needle brush the side of my face. Sure enough a searing pain sizzled down my face muscles’ and I screwed my eyes up and bit down hard on my lip.
    “Gaud Chrissie you’re waaay to over dramatic.” She tutted then giggled. “Your face is just class.”
    “You’re face will be mush in second if you don’t put a sock in it.” I hissed through my clenched teeth, the warm, thick feeling of blood dribbling down my face beginning to register. Maybe next time I should wear a mouth guard.