• Unknownd....

    unknown: Toru!

    hi im Toru Haikanoshi...

    im 12 years old and will... my life has been a mistory...
    alot of stuff that is unknown to me....

    unknown: we have moved you to another school

    Toru: why?, did i do something wronge

    unknown: no... you are really smart and too advanced for this school

    Toru: what about my friends?

    Unknown: you will make more friends in Sakashi Acadamy.

    Toru: Sakashi...... Acadamy?

    Unknown: yes. its a friendly school for advanced students like you

    Toru: i dont wanna go i wanna stay here!

    Unknown: i know, but you might make better friends,

    Toru: no, its not because of that.

    Unknown: then what is it?.

    Toru: when i do make friends then what if i have to move again.

    Unknown: dont worry, i promise that wont happen.

    toru smiles in delight

    Unknown: Heh, go ahead and get packed

    Toru: Okie!

    toru packed her things and left a note for her friends "good bye i have moved to Sakashi Acadamy"
    when she got to the acadamy there was so much to see

    Unknown: Hi new comer
    Toru: H-hi
    toru got nervouse
    Unknown: im Kikku minashika
    Toru: H-Hi Kikku im Toru
    Iku: just call me iku
    iku smiled delighted
    toru smiled back but was still nervouse
    Toru: so what kind of school is this
    Iku: its a girl acadamy for advanced Graders
    Toru: Girl... Acadamy....
    Iku:Hm? oh dont worry
    Unknown: Iku is this the new comer?
    Iku: Ahh, yes Miki Sempai!
    Toru: Miki... Sempai?
    Miki: Greetings Toru im Miki the presedent of the acadamy nice to meet you
    Toru: oh hi! im sorry i didnt know who you were
    miki smiled
    Miki: Hm, you are a cute one indeed.
    How is your Father ms, Toru
    Toru Gasp
    Toru: i...
    Miki/Iku: Hm??
    Toru: my father died when i was born so did my mom
    toru sighd
    Toru: but everything is okay i got adopted from a amazeing teacher at Hikanishi Acadamy
    Miki: will thats wonderfull
    Iku: yes it is
    Iku: oh toru your going to have a room with me..
    Toru: a room?
    Iku:yes we are going to be room mates
    Miki: Iku dont scare the poor thing
    shes only 12.
    Toru: i wont get scared its just i only lifed with my step dad so im not use to being in a room with someone else
    Iku: dont worry
    iku smiles cheerfully and grapped torus hand
    Iku: Miki sempai im going to show toru our room and around the school
    Miki: remember to get back before 7:30!
    Iku: we will
    iku and toru enterd the room
    Toru: wow its very nice
    Iku: when i heard that we will be roommates i got so excited and cleand everything in sight
    toru laughd
    Iku: your so cute!
