• Once told, a house had a young man who was a murderer. Then he was killed by the towns people from hanging him. Now he haunts his home and anyone who dares to enter. One dark and stormy night, three children were sopping wet until they saw the house. The children’s names were Megan, the tom boy, Jeff, the tough, skater guy, and Cody, the scaredy-cat, wimpy one.

    At once Megan and Jeff dashed to it leaving slow-poke Cody behind. “Guys...wait for me!!”
    Cody called out.
    When they got to the patio, they heard the door creak.... “Dooon’t.......cooooome...
    ....fourth.......... DANGER!!!! Lightning soon flashed before there eyes.
    ”Well, see ya inside.” Jeff said in a normal voice tone.
    ”Wait! Didn’t you hear the weird creaking message?!” Megan asked.
    ”So what, it’s just the wind, chicken.” Jeff said carelessly.
    ”Oh fine. Come on Cody.” Megan moaned.

    When they got in, everything was abandoned and filled with cob webs. “It’s dark in here! And I think I got a spider up my nose.” Cody wined.
    ”Yeah, good for you.” Megan said carelessly. Soon they ventured closer and closer to most of haunt. Then, as they were walking down the hallway, at the window was a bloody skeleton staring face to face with the children. The children screamed and ran from the window. But soon they bumped into a wall, but when they looked back
    .......it was gone!!!
    ”Ow! I think my nose is bleeding, and peed my pants.” Cody wailed out.
    “Shut your windows!” Megan yelled.
    “Do you think that was real?” Jeff asked.
    ”Yeah I do” Cody said. “You believe everything, like the tooth fairy.” Megan pointed out. “So.” said Cody angrily.
    ”We’re in the sixth grade, we’re not supposed to believe in tales like that.” Jeff also pointed out.

    Finally they reached the kitchen. “This house is weird.” Megan complained with her hands on the table.
    ”What’s this?” she asked.
    Jeff licked the table.”Tastes like blood.”
    Megan screamed and ran in the living room.
    ”Is that really blood?” Cody asked.
    “No, it’s really ketchup I spilled there when you guys weren’t looking.” Jeff told him. Soon they heard Megan scream again followed by the sound of something breaking.
    ”What now?” Jeff asked. They ran into the living room. They saw what broke, but couldn’t find Megan!
    The thing that broke was a tomb stone that read: “YOUR NEXT CODY” and had a skull on it. When the boys read it, they both screamed. Right away.... lightning flashed and a dead body appeared, it looked like Megan! They screamed even louder but in another flash of lightning, it was gone! ”This place is so haunted, so lets find a way out of here!” Jeff suggested.
    ”What about Megan?” Cody asked.
    ”I don’t know about her.” Jeff said with fear.

    As the stairs creaked, came from Jeff and mostly Cody. They reached the master bedroom,
    in the bed looked like Megan! “Megan, you there? Hello?” Jeff whispered.
    Then the candle was lit. Instead of Megan, it was a skeleton! It grabbed Cody and he screamed. Jeff tried to stop it from taking Cody, but the skeleton pushed him to the ground. It whispered to Cody ”Time to join Megan,” it laughed and disappeared with Cody.
    “Cody!” Jeff yelled.
    ”May I help you?” a strange voice asked. Jeff turned around and saw a ghost as a maid. “Where’s my friends?” Jeff yelled angrily.
    “They are trapped in the attic with the Master, right down the hall.” she answered. As he walked down the hall to the attic door, all the painting’s eyes followed him. When he opened the door, he saw red eyes glaring at him.
    ”Hello, Jeff,” a weird voice called out from the red eyes. Soon a vine swooped him closer to the eyes. “Lets have some light here. Shall we?” It turned on the lights. And there.......was a red-eyed ghost!
    ”Who are you?” Jeff asked terrified.
    “I’m Master Hinkle.” the voice said.
    Jeff started to giggle. “That sounds close to tinkle!” Jeff pointed out. Then two other giggles came from the ceiling. It sounded like Cody and Megan! “Cody, Megan, where are you?” Jeff asked. “Up here!” a voice that sounded like Megan’s called out. Jeff looked up. There, tied with a vine, was...Cody and Megan!
    “Found my spot,” Master Hinkle moaned.
    “Let us go!” the children shouted.
    “Fine” Master Hinkle wined.
    “Wow, that was easy!” Megan said with delight.
    “On one condition......” Master Hinkle said with a smile.


    “I’m glad Master Tinkle, I mean Hinkle spared our lives.” Megan said.
    “Yeah and, AHHHH, SPIDER!!!!” Cody cried out jumping into Jeff’s arms.
    “That’s a fuzz ball, and what did that guy curse us with again?” Jeff asked.
    Megan answered, “He cursed us that every Halloween..................” but before she could say the rest, a car sped through them.