• I stood there in complete darkness.
    This is what awaits me.... Oblivion....
    My name.... It was destiny that I would end up here, but it came faster then I thought. Was I not just messing around pulling pranks on the neighbors with me friends?
    I waited for the memory to come to me but nothing came, only the last minutes of my life. If you can call it the end, or maybe it was a new beginning...?
    I ran from the man who just got out of the car. He was pissed. Him new car messed up by running over a hubcap. He saw us- Matt, Jess and I- but only our outlines. We split up knowing that we would met up at my house, we would stand a better a chance of not getting caught.
    I ran throw an ally.
    I looked up at the man I just are into. I scrambled to my feet thinking it was the pissed off man.
    The man grabbed my by my are, hard. "Where do you think you're going? Are you not going to say sorry?" He say far to sweetly, not like a man who would be pissed about his new car being messed up by some kids. It was like sweet hunny and it made me melt.
    I turned to see a man who looked nothing like human, well he was human but not like it. He was gorgeous long, almost a wet-ish look, black hair that shone in the moon light, nothing like a human. His eyes were an inhuman blue that showed deep sorrow and emptiness, but a hope-a small hope.
    "...." I could not say anything he was to gorgeous and I kept staring at him. I noticed something wrong. His head....
    There was no ears... or maybe they were hidden.
    "I-I am sorry...."
    "Tell me, what is a young girl like you running around here at this time of night? And so fast."
    Could I tell him the truth? No. It was passed curfew, some kid should not be out here, and at this time of night?
    "I..... really must be going.... my friends are waiting..."
    "Friends? Well they don't seem like good friends if you are running away form them" He looked for answers in my eyes.
    I knew this trick. You could tell if someone was lying or not by their eyes. I have tried to lie but sadly my eyes told the truth. I turned away. And then he knew something was wrong, so I looked up to his eyes getting lost. There was some truth in my word, we yes. They were waiting somewhere.
    "They are good friends....!"
    "Really? Then why are you running form them?" He kept going, still not letting go.
    "I was not running form them! We split up..." I tried to come up with something else then what did happen.
    "Split up? Well then, you did something wrong?"
    I gave in, "yes we put a hubcap in the middle of the street and some guy ran over it and freaked and then saw us and went after us, but he has to be gone by now...."
    "That sounds crazy.... Would someone not see that?" There was hurt in his eyes. I felt that I just ruined his life by telling a messed up story of a hubcap?
    "The truth.... Can You let go? I must leave..." He did not let go.
    "You can come to my house, it is late and that guy might call the cops. You can call your 'friends' and tell them"
    I stared at him. Was he crazy? I was no going to go with some guy I just ran into and go to his house.
    "I am sorry, but I can not go with you."
    He let go, "fine by the cops will find you," he turned and waled away, I did the same.
    Soon not even two blocks away from my run in I saw the cops slowly checking out the streets looking for likely me and other kids who stayed out after curfew.
    Something tugged me into the ally I had not seen. I was glad that I was pulled into the ally but I did not know who it was, thinking it was Matt I turned around. "Thank you, Matt. Once again I owe you one...." I stood froze.
    It was not Matt. Instead something grotesque, horrifying. Foam coming to of it's mouth, blood red eyes to hungry, looking like it just found its first meal in days. It's hair a ugly gray and skin rough and reddish, it's clothes ripped and battered with bare feet.
    It laughed, something like a scream and a moan put together, something inhuman. "My, my, my. Look what we have where." It's voice sounding like a wolf had learned to talk. I knew the tone too, it was hungry.... and evil. "I will tell you what you taste like, people like to know what their blood tastes like when they die." It came closer
    I still could not move. I stood there horrified by what I was seeing.
    "Well are you going to move?" It was that sweet voice again.
    Blood was everywhere. I was covered in it.The floor and walls were too. And there standing in the middle of it all, also covered in blood.
    "Pathetic thing. It need to be killed, to bad I was too late to save it..." There was hurt in the voice.
    He tuned toward me, and smiled. I knew the smile, it was in all the horror movies with inhuman things. But soon it disappeared, the lust gone.
    He licked his fingers, licking the blood off. "Tastes bad... He killed to many young girls" His eyes shown in the darkness.
    He begun walking towards me. I froze, will I was already froze.
    "Come with me. I will get you cleaned up so you can go back to your friends."
    Was he crazy? Wait, did I not just asked this? I thought. But I had no choice, so I followed.
    We came to a big mansion, dark and creepy. I waited in the living room trying not to get blood all over.
    It was beautiful. There was red curtains covering the big windows that looked out into the forest and in the distance a lake that looked wonderful in the moon light. The couches were red with black, small pillows. The floors were polished wood with red carpets with a black out line. There were pictures, well more like paintings, of what looked like family members. A picture was hung above a fire place. The fire place was burning and it gave the room a nice feeling, but creepy and to go with it the room was lit by candles that made it even better.
    After what seems like an hour he came back down. He was in a white and black suitish thing. It reminded me of the night class uniforms in Vampire Knight.
    "I am sorry I took so long. Would you like to take a bath or something to get the blood off?" There was pain and loneliness in this voice.
    I looked down at myself. I was covered in blood. I could not tell what color shirt I was wearing and I soon realized that the blood was on my face and in my hair. And that is when I wanted to know what happened.
    "Back there,what happened? With that... thing? Did you.... kill it?"
    He looked at me, likely just seeing what I looked like would be a shocker. But it seems he was looking for an answer, he tuned away.
    "Yes.... I did kill it. It was going to kill you, I could not let that happen. It has killed 5 other girls. I came here to stop it, but I...." Now this was where he lied. "I had.... to look after my grandfather...."
    "That is a lie! You looked away from my eyes, could you not tell the truth?" It was weird when I moved. The blood had dried and made my clothes stiff and hard.
    "Get cleaned up and I will tell you..." Again there was pain in the voice.
    I found a clothes waiting for me when I was done with my shower. They were simple clothes. Black, long shirt and some dark jeans.
    As I walked down the stairs to the living room I saw him sitting by the fire place.
    "You said you would.... tell..." He did not look up to me but kept looking into the fire.
    "Yes." He said finally. "the thing that attacked you was a vampire, one who has lost all their emotions and state of mind. I was here to save it, to make in normal again but once it tasted live human blood it craved more and begun killing young girls."
    This was a lie, it had to be. "Vampires are not real.... are they?" If he was sent here to kill it then he must be a vampire too....
    "There are real and there are few of them. There are vampires who are sent to kill GHOST and then humans who are sent to kill them" He still did not look at me.
    "GHOST?" This was a lie.
    "That is what rogue vampires are called, the one you saw. There are different kinds of vampires. The Purebloods, who can make another vampire, Acros. the ones who belong to a Purebloods but has a mind of it's own, Cats, the ones who look like you do, then Huamns and GHOST."
    "What are the difference between Human and GHOST?" I might as well play along.
    "A Human can be saved but if they taste live human blood they turn into a GHOST." He looked lost in the fire.
    "Then what are you?" I asked not sure if I wanted to.
    Now he looked up to me and smiled. He looked like so nice smiling, but it was a creepy/hope smile.
    "I am a Pureblood. Are you scared?" I knew that he wanted me gone now, but I did not want to leave.
    "No...." And then I did something I did not know I would do, I smiled.
    He seemed shocked. "Your not scared?" There was hope in his voice, but it was soon gone.
    "What is your name?" He asked.
    "Oblivion. And you?"
    He just looked at me as if I had done something wrong, as if I just killed his family right in front of him. "O... Oblivion?"
    I was confused, "yes."
    He just kept staring at me. "What is a matter?"
    He got up and walked over to me. "Please...." But I did not get the rest of it. His lips crashed against mine, something I never expected.
    It was wonderful, well I could not describe it. He moved his lips down to my neck. I should have moved now but I could not.
    "I am sorry, but I must do this." His fangs pierced my skin.
    It was like nothing like I felt before. The pain came first along with the burning and the prickling, like needles into my skin. I could hear my blood being sucked away from my body. I wanted to scream, but I could not. And soon enough I blacked out.
    ~End of memory~
    I looked in to the blackness to see nothing.
    "Why did I not run?" My voice sounded weak and it hurt to move or speak.
    Their was a Light. I wanted to walk to it but I did not, it hurt to walk.
    "Oblivion, come on...." That voice made me walk, ir hurt some bad. My head throbbed as I walked like it was fit with a bat or something.
    As I walked into the Light and found myself in the same room as I had blacked out in.
    He was holding me in his arms. There was worry in them, and fear.
    "What.... What did you do.... To me?" Everything was some how sharper.
    He smiled, "I am sorry but I had to do turn you...."
    Turn me? Into a vampire? NO!
    "Because.... I had to.... Some Purebloods are give a name at birth to turn into a human into another Pureblood."
    I did not understand. He continued. "I was given your name."
    "Ha, my name..... You never gave me yours...."
    "Zero, like you, it means nothing."