Good: Yo dude I’m being followed
Evil: O rly?
Good: Yeah I think I’m gonna die.
Evil: You won’t die…
Good: Really?
Evil: No, you’re gonna die.
Good: I hate it when people follow me, friggen stalkers.
Evil: meh. I’ve been stalked before.
Good: What happened?
Evil: See that garden of flowers, the stalker helped my flowers bloom. Beautiful isn’t it?
Good: O_o
Evil: yep
Good: You killed them!?
Evil: Nah, I didn’t just kill them, I mulched them. This way there body is recycled. IT’S ENVIROMENTAL!
Good: I don’t think I would want to dispose my stalker that way.
Evil: Pansy…
Good: I just need to find a way to thwart them off.
Evil: You could call the godfather. Or you could slap em, punch em, stab em, burn em.
Good: Someway less violent.
Evil: Psh, you could always diss them out.
Good: how do I do that?
Evil: Well let’s start off with a yo momma joke
Good: I love jokes!
Evil: Yo momma so fat and stupid she chased a school bus shouting “TWINKIE! COME BACK!”
Good: That’s not a funny joke… it’s hurtful…..
Evil: It’s not supposed to be funny, at least not to you. Now you try
Good: Yo momma is so smart she got all A’s in college?
Evil: No, no, no it has to be hurtful and mean.
Good: Gee, I don’t think I can do that
Evil: Try this, kill them with a gun
Good: I guess I could try that
Evil: *hands gun* ok take a practice shot. Right here right now.
Good: *fires* BOOM HEADSHOT!
Evil: *collapses on the ground*
Good: Whoops… well I’m off to go kill something :3
Thomas Black is entering th...
This is just something rand...
The tale of a cold blooded ...
Whoo, here's the next one. ...