Chapter 9 - Recepie for disaster
(Music playing- Brilliant Show Window/ Megaman Z X )Download
*Phil, John, Kaolla, Rush, Maggie, and Aile were transported to Area C, the city. When Phil and Kaolla allong with Rush and Maggie prepare to patroll the city while John and
Aile set forward to the power plant.*
John= Well Phil, be sure to look after Kaolla for me ok?
Phil= She's in good hands mate.
Kaolla= Oh Philly stop it.
Rush= *barks happily*
Aile= Well, be careful ok?
John= Ok, now where is this power plant?
Aile= It's past this fountain. Follow me.
*John follows Aile to the fountain*
John= What a nice fountain.
Aile= C'mon John! We got work to do.
John= Alright. Is it through this door?
Aile= Yes it is.
John= Wait Aile.
Aile= What is it?
John= I was thinking.... I want you to wear Model S this time. Let me use Models X and Z for awhile ok?
Aile= What makes you think that? Are you being protective of me?
John= Well,..... You just got out of the hospital .....
Aile= Oh John you are so sweet. OK, I will wear Model S for awhile ok?
Model S= John, do I have to go on this girl today?
John= What do you mean by that?
Model S= Well.....Im more used to megamerging with boys. I have a slight tendency.
Aile= And when do biometals have any tendencies!?
John= Oh, just ignore her. Go on Aile, equip her. You can also mix biometals with her too.
Model S= I will show her how to use my cyber soul system. Your'e gonna love it.
*So Aile megamerged with Model S and John megamerged with ZX and both walked through the door to the power plant.*
(Music changes to - Industrialism/ Megaman Z X )Download
Model S= I am detecting lots of Mechanloid readings. Now let's show you how to use cyber souls. John, take it away.
John= Huh? Oh very well. Model S has 3 different slots of cybersouls. Red for bullet type, Blue for guardian type and Orange for Guardian type. But there are other types of
cybersouls. The Grey are the specal ones that you don't have to equip. And there is a Yellow type that is...well, kinda complex. So far we haven't gotten that far..
John= Alright you little p***k!
*Aile couldn't help herself but to laugh at John and Model S argue and John showed Aile how to use the cyber soul system.*
John= There, are we all set?
Aile= Ok, let's go.
Model S= Lets gooooooooooooooooooooooo!
John= She does this sometimes.
*John and Aile moved through the area of wire cage fences where a bunch of spider shaped robots were patrolling the plant grounds. They were a bunch of Web bolt. They spotted
John and Aile and began to move close to John and Aile. John fired a charged shot at the web bolt and once it was dispatched, a red sphere flew across the area and flew into
Aile, who was wearing Model S.*
Model S= This is a bullet type cyber soul. You can now shoot a lightning powered web shot at your own free will. Just be sure to equip it.
Aile= Do you go through this too John?
John= Trust me, I do.
*Then there were Galleon hunters on patrol and as soon as they got close, John and Aile took them out.*
Aile= How come no cyber soul appeared?
Model S= That's because John already destroyed one. I already have that one.
*Then they reached the building and entered the plant and there were lots of gears and electric components moving and operating.*
John= Not bad, but I seen a bigger and more dangerous power plant than this though.
Aile= Pardon?
John= Back in Abagale 100 years back.
*Then there was a shellfish shaped robot on the celling and started to shoot plasma bolts from afar.*
Aile= Look out, it's an Electric dart. They do this randomly.
John= Ill take care of it.
Aile= It's way to high. You can't reach it.
*John casts (Ice 1) on the Electric dart thus dispatching it and an Orange cyber soul flew down and flown into Aile.*
Model S= This is an enchantment cyber soul, Equip this and you don't slide down from the walls.
John= That may come in handy.
Aile= You are sure talkative Model S.
Model S= It's the way I was programed to do.
*When John and Aile walked through a warehouse chamber, they saw a large truck shaped vehicle with a mobile roller on it with spikes. It activated and it began to move.*
Aile= A Crushpactor! It's controlled by the Slither's.
John= Oh man.
(Music changes to- Mini-Boss by Psyguy)Download
*The Crushpactor began to move and tried to ram the wall with it's crushing spinner slamming the wall but John and Aile wall kick climbed the wall and reached a safe distance
and Aile tried that web bolt lightning web and it didn't do to much good since she was up too high.*
John= It's backing up!
Aile= Watch it, it's up to something.
*The crushpactor began to back up and this time, it rose it's rolling wheel and was ready to ram again. As soon as it charged, John and Aile dropped to the ground and unleashed
charged attacks on the vehicle. The crushpactor took good damage. When it backed up, John was charging his magic and casted (Ice 2) on the vehicle and Aile fired a fully charged
shot at the vehicle and it began to go on meltdown and began to explode.*
(Music dies down slowly)
*Then there was a grey cybersoul and it flew into Aile.*
Model S= This is an ability cybersoul. You can now use your weapons to break certain types of blocks and certain objects.
John= That may come in handy later. Let's go on.
Aile= Right.
(Music goes back to playing to Industrialism)
*John and Aile reached the other side of the chamber and entered the door and then traveled to the climbing area where all the circuit pipes and ladders. They were canon traps
and more Ghaleon hunters but John and Aile made use of there weapons they were quick to fall. John and Aile continued there way until they reached the top and continued ahead.
Later they reached the outside of the courtyard of the power plant and found some places where battles and attacks broke out. Then John and Aile caught sight of a figure
standing on some electric terminal towers.*
John= What is that?
Aile= Look, I think it spotted us. John, you better take Model S ok? Ill take back ZX.
John= Fine. You just be careful. This thing may not be friendly.
Model S= I am detecting readings similar to one of the four guardians. And I am also detecting a Slither inc. signature on it. LOOK OUT IT'S HIVOLT!
John= Hivolt?
(Music changes to- Important News/ Metroid Fusion)Download
*The shadowy object shaped like a strange bird like figure flew down and when it got to where it was not hiding in the sky, it appeared to be white and green, it was none other
than Hivolt.*
Hivolt= So you are that Megaman Plum Lord Serpant has been talking about. I am the artificial Mega man Hivolt, at your service.
John= Speaking of service, just what kind of service are you doing?
Hivolt= Oh, just the usual, feeding energy links to my masters.
Aile= Stop it now!! The people need that energy! Too many people have died in Serpants hands!
Hivolt= Ignorant little girl! Why not take you and your posh friend over there and scram before you get yourselves hurt.
John= Excuse me!? I believe if your threatening me and my friend, I think it's you who needs to watch it.
Hivolt= You got guts humans. Let's see what they look like!
John= Oh you can shut up!!
Hivolt= Not a regular biometal huh, sounds like she needs to keep her trap shut.
Model S= Alright that's it! Let's Goooooooo...
John= Here we go again.
(music changes to- Boss theme/ Plok)Download
*Hivolt darted to the back of the battle area and detached his wings and they rotated around his body and they began to fire purple lasers at John and Aile. Aile kept getting
hit while John was able to use his saber to block them.*
John= Get back Aile! Ill take care of him!
Aile= Im not backing off! Were in this together.
John= Alright but stay close ok honey!
Hivolt= Quarling arent you, sounds like you two make a lovely married couple! Time to crash the relationship!
*Hivolt took off in the air and got into a position and fired strong purple beams and John quickly covered Aile and took the damage from the 4 angle laser beam fire. Then he
took off again.*
Aile= John, are you ok?
John= Im ok, just a bit stung.
Model S= Good thing im a bit tough, but im still in need of upgrades.
John= Your doing fine baby, wheres,...
*Hivolt dived down at John and gave him a couple of electric jolts from his electric wings but Aile took her Z saber and swiped it on Hivolt, then Hivolt smacked Aile with his
wing and fired an electric bolt at her. Aile was now reaching critical.*
John= Oh you green a*****e! That's it, now im MAD!!
*John rounded up a bit of magical energy and casted (Ice 2) and it struck Hivolt and did maximum damage since the ice element was his weakness, but he was still standing.*
Hivolt= Oooh, I don't feel so good. It can't be true that you are indeed a magic user!
*Sudenly out of nowhere, a pack of missles hit Hivolt and damaged him to critical*
(Music stops)
Hivolt= Noooooo! Im not done with you 2 yet...... noo I got to do my duity...
*Another missle hit him and Hivolt was dispatched and a Green biometal appeared, and John grabbed it*
Model H= Thank you for saving me from that wretched maverick. I am Model H, biometal of the winds. You must be the megamen here to stop Serpant. Thank you.
John= The pleasure is all mine but that wasn't my shot.
Aile= JOHN!! LOOK!!!
John= Huh? Oh ... crap. HEY! I reconise that ship!
Aile= Space pirates!?
John= No! I can't believe it. Those are.... too under century to be space pirates or Slither inc, thugs. Those can't be the armies of Zeal!?
Aile= Armies of Zeal?
John= Oh no.... I also reconise that mark. Dr. Wily's back!!
(Music playing- Fight / Super Mario Land arranged album){plays at 0.45}Download
*A Zealan ship drew close and there were strange reploids emerging from the ship and they were none other than Dr. Wily's old reploids rebuilt and resurected and slightly
Quick man= Suprised to see me Johnny boi!
Metal man= Oh, so good to see you John! We all owe you a serious a** whippin!
Snake man= Hsssssss! You humiliated usssssssss back in Abagale! You won't make monkeysssss out of ussss thisssss time!
Hard man= Your gonna be hit so harrrrrrd.
Gemini man= And don't think were going to let you easy this time!
Wood man= Im going to break you up like bark!
Aile= Who are these guys John!?
John= Old friends. Well, Enemies! These are the guys I fought against when I was in Abagale. They caused so much trouble! Yiou have no idea how persistant they are.
*A transmision from John's com-link activated*
Prairie (radio)= John! Are you and Aile ok? Im picking up a large number of signals of foregin and low graded areal vheicles.
John= It's Dr. Wily and Dalton! There back! This time they got the kingdom of Zeal on there side.
Prairie (radio)= WHAT!? Dr. Wily? NO! Not him again? Dalton too?
John= Im afraid so!
Prairie (radio)= This is bad, I mean look at the numbers of ships and robots.
John= Dr. Wily is persistant. Not to menson he will have numbers of non-robotic thugs as well, even ones armed with magic. I got to get to Phill and Kaolla and warn them.
*Meanwhile........Back at area C....*
Phil= WHAT!?
Kaolla= What is it Prairie?
Prairie (radio)= I just picked up massive numbers of old date reploids and inferior ships....John is in trouble! Some guy named Dr. Wily...
Phil= He's ALIVE!?
Kaolla= Creepy Wily and Dalton!?
Prairie (radio)= How are things in Area C?
Phil= Good so far. OK. Were heading to the power plant right away.
*Sudenly, Phil and Kaolla heard explosions and civilian screams that Space pirates were attacking the city and streets again, this time they were accompanied by Cybermen*
Phil= Space pirates! Cybermen!
Prairie (radio)= Im picking up Space Pirate signatures all over the city. You and Kaolla are going to have to defend the city and Ill drop off some Guardian's to help you. Ill
try to contact Kos-Mos and get her to lend John a hand. Good luck to you and Kaolla.
Phil= Will do Prairie! Let's go Kaolla.
Kaolla= Will do Philly!
*Meanwhile back with John and Aile......*
John= Dr. Wily's bots. There's lot's of them.
Aile= What are we going to do now? We can't fight them all!
John= That's it, were gonna have to make a run for it and get back to the city to help Phil.
Model S= That would be most advisable! We are outnumbered by upgraded robots. We lack the power and expereance for this.
John= The exit's blocked off! We need to take an alrternate route.
Quick man= Nowhere to run and hide John!
Star man= Were gonna be the stars of the show now!
Gemini man= And no stinkin guardian chumps to save you this time!
Metal man= You and that girl are done for!
*Sudenly the Pillar of Autumn was spotted and a reploid girl clad in ice blue and white armor appeared. It was Kos-Mos from Phil's ship helping John.*
John= Kos?
Kos-Mos= Im here to help you John. Follow me and stay close.
Ring man= Where did the broad come from?
Quick man= Were not losing our trophy to some android chick! Get them all!
(Music changes to- Statues born of darkness/ Castleveinia Lament of innocence)Download
*John and Aile took off running while Kos-Mos opened fire at the incoming reploids and they took minimum damage since they were being protected by some magical force from the
magitech upgrades they recieved from the Zeal forces.*
John= Kos-Mos! Come on! You can't beat them! There protected by magic!
Aile= Magic robots!? But that's impossible!
John= Not for the Zeal kingdom!
*John opened fire at some incoming batontons and they too were magicly shielded but they did flinch. Kos-Mos too began to run since her weapon fire did little effect on the
Aile= John! Come on!
John= Im not leaving her!
*Kos-Mos was getting pelted by a bunch of batontons but John jumed up and drew his saber and sruck the batontons but they weren't destroyed, instead they were tossed aside. John
held Kos-Mos by her hand and began to run with her.*
John= It's ok baby, I got you.
Kos-Mos= Thank you. We need to get back to the city. Phil and Kaolla are in trouble.
Aile= I heard that... oh no. Vent! He dosent know! We got to hurry!
*Kos-Mos threw a barrage of smoke bombs and the reploids were blinded by the smoke. John, Aile, and Kos-Mos made a run for it. The ship, Pillar of Autumn flew off in fast
amounts of speed before the Zealian ships could track it down.*
Quick man= Oh damnit! We lost him!
Dalton= Don't worry. Well go for now. All we needed to do is to give John a warning. That's enough to give him a clue that were not playing around anymore.
Star man= Well, ok. We will go on and shut off the power suply to Slither inc. We can at least keep them at bay...
Gemini man= But wasn't that persudroid responsible for it? I mean, did we actualy do that John a favor?
Dalton= Serpant can b***h about it all he wants. Theres no need for joining up with him. Dr. Wily told me he's a useless arogant fool who can't be trusted. Not after what
happened with us and that Weil. Dr. Wily isnt taking anymore chances like that. We will leave John alone for now.
Dr. Wily= It's time to start feeding the power to our battery tanks. Robots, go on and collect that energy.
*Meanwhile....John, Aile, and Kos-Mos arrived at Area C where there was a disaster going on.*
Phil= The city is in trouble. Space pirates and cybermen are all over the place. If we don't get a move on, they will take everyone and make more cybermen.
John= Oh god, things are NOT looking good.
*Sudenly, Prairie called John and Phil by com link*
Prairie (radio)= Listen everyone, We need to take out as many Cybermen and space pirates as possible and save any civilian. Guardian solders already began to cut them off from
Area B, and are heading this way. We do not know if Dr. Wily and Dalton will make there way here or not?
John= I sure hope not!
Phil= Let's hope for the best mate.
Kaolla= Same here Johnny!
Rush= *barks*
Kos-Mos= We will defend every part of this ground as much as posible
Model S= It's time we take care of these Space Pirates and Cybermen as well!
Aile= Im going to find Vent. We just can't leave him in that hospital. What if those things get to him?
*What is going to happen to our good guys now? Stay tuned for the next chapter of Megaman Heroes 2*
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/07/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Megaman Heroes 2 - chapter 9
- Artist: Tanooki John
Submitted to sheezyart Oct 3rd 2007
Second sequalof my megaman fanfiction/crossover.
All characters and images are (c) to there respectable owners. - Date: 03/07/2009
- Tags: megamanzx doctorwho metroidprime chobits
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Neo Arcane - 03/24/2009
- Say hello to my b***h...her name is KOS-MOS!! ;P
- Report As Spam