I looked into his cold bloodshot eyes. A drop of drool trickled out the corner of his mouth and dribbled down his chin, revealing his hunger. I stood their frozen in shock--no, it was fear. My muscles and bones seemed to be shut down. Nothing in my body seemed to work except for my brain. I used it to think for what seemed to be the last minute of my 13-year-old life. "I couldn't die now, there were so many things I still had to live through," I thought to myself. I thought further, asking my self questions. I thought," If he loved me, why would he kill me? what was he?" "what was he hungry for--- my flesh possibly?" I thought. I couldn't ask myself further because everything was out of view--- everything pitch black.


    Yes, I loved Adam. And yes he loved me, Selena. But that was the dangerous part of the relationship. We couldn't stay away from each other when the safe choice was to avoid each other. He said he was dangerous, but I didn't care one bit. I didn't get when he said he was "dangerous." But I found out the hard way, something I regret completely.

    I saw him gliding ever so gracefully towards me in the hallway. I kissed him on the cheek. He slipped a letter into my hand and walked swiftly away. I opened it up:

    Dear Selena,
    I am going into the woods tonight so i had to cancel our dinner plans. Please do not follow me because you will regret it. Remember, I'm dangerous.


    My heart sank. The dismissal bell rang and I drove in my scratched up,old volkswagon to my house. Night began to fall and the stars hung on to the sky. I noticed a big silvery full moon nestled upon the dark sky. I was anxious about Adam, so i decided to find him in the woods even though he warned me not too.

    The air chilled and I hugged myself for warmth. Standing in the shadows of the trees I saw Adam with a grin smeared across his face. "I knew you would come," he smirked. I ran over to him his arms outstretched. I was expecting a hug from him, but instead he grasped his hands around my scrawny neck. I gasped for air.

    I looked into his cold, bloodshot eyes. A drop of drool trickled from the corner of his mouth and dribbled down his chin, revealing his hunger. I stood there frozen in shock---- no it was fear. My muscles and bones seemed to be shut down. Nothing seemed to be working except my brain. I used it to think for what seemed to be the last minute of my 13-year-old life."I couldn't die now, there were so many things i still had to live through," I thought to myself. I thought further asking myself questions. I thought,"If he loves me, why would he want to kill me. "What was he hungry for---- my flesh possibly?" I thought. Suddenly fangs jetted out. I couldn't ask myself further because everything was out of view---- everything pitch black.

    I felt piercing pain in my neck where he had bit me, a patch of flesh missing and blood trickling from the wound. I heard sirens and soon enough I was loaded up on a stretcher and police were trying to take Adam away. I felt pressure on my neck as the paramedics patched a bandage to it. Adam was being pinned to the ground by ten cops. One had a gun shoved to his head and started a countdown. 5......4........3.........2.......... With my last bit of breath I screamed,"Adam!!! no!!! Leave him alone!!!" ............1 and the gun went off and Adam was dead. I was loaded into the ambulance crying, but a few seconds later I automatically closed my eyes.... and my pulse cut off. I was dead.

    My death was worth while, for I died in place of someone I loved. It was brave, noble even. From then on my grave was right next to Adams'. Our graves had angels on them that held hands and some engraving at the bottom of their feet.

    And I had found out what Adam was, while I was lying on my death bed. He was vampire.I also found out that he didn't want to kill me, just to turn me into a vampire too. So we could live the rest of our lives together. He was a vampire that was somehow mortal. No one ever knew he was what he was. It was a secret amongst Adam and I and to be remained amongst Adam and I. We started a new adventure together. An adventure we like to call the after life.