• I didn’t care at this point that I was hooked to machines, I ripped out the needles and I got off the bed, I was finally free. I hopped off the bed and was headed for the door when Seth was blocking it.
    “MOVE SETH!!!” I yelled.
    “You’re going to hurt yourself, not get back on that bed before I throw you on there!” He pointed to the bed that was now behind me, I had no doubt in my mind that he wouldn’t pick me up and place me back in the bed.
    “Get out of my way!” I demanded.
    “Not a chance Sam.” He said almost calm.
    “Don’t call me that!!!” The only person who had ever called me that was my mother, or at least that’s what my father used to say.
    “Sam…” He smiled as though to tick me off.
    “UGH!” I yelled. “I can’t believe this, I’m being held hostage in this stupid hospital!!!” I could maintain a low tone my emotions would allow me. I needed to talk to Mitch and I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I could read it on his face; he really wanted me to be with him.
    “I can’t have competition Sam! You have to pick me now.” He gestured his hand as if I had no choice.
    “If you think I have no choice you are dead wrong!”
    “Do you want to start talking about dead?!” He yelled at me and a wicked smile spread on my face.
    “You don’t even want to try me there!” I pushed him out of the way which surprised me. I tried to guess which way Mitch might have went but before I knew it I was running, it didn’t matter in what direction, I let my heart carry me.
    “SAMMY! What the HELL are you doing out of bed!!!” Mitch yelled from behind me. And in one swift moment I was turned to face Mitch.
    “Mitc…” Again I couldn’t finish.
    “Seth said you ran off…and he is worried about you, after all you guys are dating.” He mumbled the last word.
    “Is that what he told you or is that what you think because either was you’re wro…”
    “Don’t you even say WRONG!” He yelled.
    “But you wont even hear my side of the story.” I mumbled.
    “I don’t need to, I seen the whole thing.” I looked at him in shock. “You kissed him, not the other way around.” He had a huge frown on his face, one that made me want to run to him, hug him close and kiss him; I wanted to do anything to make him happy.
    “I’m so sorry, please forgive me.” I mumbled.
    “I thought we had a connection, I wanted us…but you picked him.” He looked in my eyes.
    “I know we have a connection!” I said a bit loudly.
    “Then why HIM?” He stressed.
    “I didn’t mean to…it’s a long story.” I looked for the words that didn’t find their way through my throat. I couldn’t tell him that he was threatening to kill me.
    “I know how to listen.” I then heard Seth’s voice down the hall.
    “You get me out of here and I’ll tell you when we’re alone.” I expressed.
    “Fine!” He could tell I wanted away from Seth and I’m sure he heard his voice too.
    We ran to his car. We got in the car and drove off. While running Seth seemed completely confused.
    “You know what this reminds me of?” Mitch asked.
    “What does it remind you of?”
    “It reminds me of back when you father was here and we were running.” I laughed. It was something similar to that. There were a few minutes of silence. “So why did you kiss him?” He blurted.
    “Well I don’t know where to start.” I thought a few minutes about how to start and then began to speak. “Well there is more to me than just a normal school girl.”
    “Yes, vampire right?” He guessed not looking at me.
    “Uhhh…from what I know, but there is also more to me than that too.”
    “Werewolf too, I know.” He calmly said.
    “Remember how I said my sister knew there was something different about you?”
    “Well she’s a special one of our species.” He whispered as to not let me hear him.
    “What are you?” He was hiding something too?
    “…Vampire…” Does that mean Seth is a vampire too?