• Chapter 13:

    During our science class, the school secretary came into the classroom to surprise some lucky students with presents from their secret admirers. It’s a tradition we have here in this school. Victoria got a small box of chocolate and a beautiful purple-blue flower. Solange got a basket filled with light blue roses, candies and a cute dragon plushie. Then, I received two Valentine’s Day cards from 2 secret admirers. One of them was designed with actual pale pink roses and pale green leaves with glitter, which made it look amazing. Inside was a poem that made me think about who sent it to me:

    “As I sit here in class,
    I observe your every move.
    As I think of our time together
    That is coming to an end...

    When this school year ends,
    We’ll all go our separate ways,
    But it will be harder
    To tell you goodbye...

    We had many moments;
    Some bad, some great.
    I will truly miss you,
    I might even cry...
    This Valentine’s Day,
    I have to confess...
    I will always love you
    As it comes to an end...”

    “Aww! That is so sweet!” Victoria exclaimed.

    “I wonder who sent it to you...” Sol asked.

    “Same here... let me read the other one...” I said, going for the other card.

    The second card was white and red, in a wedding-like design. Inside was a short, yet loving poem that would warm any girl’s heart:

    “Don’t ask the sun to keep shining, it can’t...the clouds exist...
    Don’t ask the leaves not to fall, they can’t...the wind exists...
    Don’t ask the birds to stop flying, they can’t...the sky exists...
    Don’t ask me to stop falling in love, I can’t...you exist...”

    “Oh my god, that was so beautiful!” Solange said.

    Then, the bell rings and we got out of the classroom for snack time.

    Apparently, most of my girl friends got presents as well, but I was preoccupied the entire free time, admiring my dear sweet cards, sitting under a tree away from my friends.

    “Eh...what’s wrong with her?” Wayne whispered to Victoria, mentioning to me.

    “Oh, she got two Valentine’s Day cards that say, ‘I love you’..!” Sol said.

    “Really? That’s so cute!” Luna exclaimed, happily.

    “Huh... I wonder who sent them...” Raziel wondered.

    All: *glance at Raziel* I can’t believe you asked that...

    “I didn’t ask..! It was a statement...” Raziel huffed.

    “Hi Eleanor!” Jason and Fairyboy said in unison, cheerfully before glaring at each other.

    “Eleanor, do you-!” Jason said, pushing Edward away.

    “Want to-!” Edward said, pushing Jason away.

    “Eat lunch-!” Jason pushed back.

    “With me later?!” Edward pushed back.

    “Hey, back off! She’s under my protection!” Raziel said, hugging me protectively.

    “God, you’re annoying! Why do you keep defending her like this?” Jason asked.

    Raziel: I’m her guardian angel...

    Jason and Fairyboy: o.O What?!

    “Isn’t it kind of obvious?” Wayne said.

    “Anyway, sorry guys. I have to find out who sent me these cards” I said, smiling cutely.

    Edward and Jason: -_-

    Raziel: *blinks innocently* I don’t get it..!

    Edward: *whispers to Jason* Hey, I have an idea to get the angel away from her for a while, but I might need your help...

    Jason: And why should I help you?

    Edward: Because if you do, I might give you a voodoo doll of me to use every time I flirt with Eleanor...

    Jason: O.O Deal!

    A few seconds later...

    *mission impossible theme song plays*

    Jason and Edward: *sneak around the school until going towards Raziel* Yo, Raziel!

    “Hey!” Raziel said.

    Jason: Raziel, look! *takes out brownie*

    Raziel: *puppy dog eyes* Arf, arf!

    Jason: *waves brownie around*

    Raziel: *follows the brownie* Arf!!!

    Jason: Go get it! *throws it inside a classroom*

    Raziel: BROWNIE!!!! *runs after brownie*


    Maysa (a good friend of mine): I WANT A BROWNIE! Please and thank you =]

    Now, back to the show:

    Raziel ran after the brownie inside the classroom to find himself face to face to a 7-feet tall mountain of brownies...

    Raziel: O.O Brownies heaven...

    Fairyboy ran over and locked the doors to the classroom with fairy magic, leaving Raziel stuck in there.

    “That should keep him busy for a couple of hours...” He said.


    Fairyboy: Eleanor! *glomps*

    Me: o.O a hug from you? That’s strange... but I’ll take it! ^^

    Jason: *glares at Fairyboy* *stick needle into the voodoo doll’s eye*

    Fairyboy: Oww!!! My eye!!! O. X

    Even later...

    When Luna, Charlotte, Felicity and I went up the second floor to our English classroom, I walked towards my desk and saw this large, beautiful bouquet of long stemmed, pure white carnations on it.

    “Oh, my god..!” I said, shocked as I picked up the bouquet.

    “Wow, you must be REALLY loved around here..!” Felicity said, amazed.

    “Who could have sent these to you?” Charlotte asked.

    “Look, a card!” I said, taking the small piece of paper out of the bouquet.

    “What does it say?!” Luna said, excited.

    “It just says, ‘To Eleanor, from your now-not-so-secret admirer, Seth Delacourt...’” I read.

    “S-Seth Delacourt?!” Charlotte exclaimed.

    “Really?! Oh, my god! He’s like the hottest guy in the school!” Luna said.

    “Wait, who is he?” Felicity asked.

    “Him..!” Luna said, pointing at the red haired guy who just entered the classroom.

    The guy who just came in was nice, long red hair and bright green eyes, yet he still has a pale complexion... Yup, you guessed it... He’s a vamp. He looked around and smiled when he saw me with the bouquet. As he walked towards me, one could see his long hair flip naturally as some random girls saw him and squeal in a fangirl-like manner.

    Charlotte and Luna: *squealing also*

    Me: *crosses arms and tilts head* He’s not so bad...

    “Delacourt... is he Wayne’s cousin?!” Felicity whispered at us.

    “Yeah, he is...” Luna said, blushing as he reached us.

    “Hello Eleanor..!” Seth said, grinning.

    “Hi,” I responded.

    Charlotte and Luna: O///O *blushing madly, then faint*

    Me: -_- Anyway... thanks for the flowers...

    “No problem...listen, I was thinking if you would like to go out with me tonight?” He asked, blushing slightly.

    “As in, on a date?” I asked as he nodded.

    Charlotte and Luna: *are behind Seth, mouthing at me* Say yes..!

    Felicity: *are with them, mouthing* No..! Don’t say yes..!

    Charlotte and Luna: *glare at Felicity, tackling her*

    “Uh...sure!” I said.

    “Great, I’ll talk to you later, ok?” He said, leaving the classroom.

    “Eleanor, are you nuts?! He’s Wayne’s cousin, a vampire! Do you actually want to date him?!” Felicity said, getting away from the white mage and were-tiger.

    “Hey, he seems like a nice guy and it’s just one date! Who’s it going to hurt?”


    “WHAT?! Eleanor is going out on a date with Seth Delacourt?!” Edward said.

    “How do you know that and how did you escape from the classroom?!” Jason said, pointing a finger at Raziel.

    “I’m gullible, not stupid!” Raziel retorted.

    “Then, how did you get out?” Edward asked.

    Raziel: ...I don’t know! ^^

    “Just tell us what happened!” Jason said, glaring at Raziel.

    “Well, Eleanor got a bouquet from Seth and when he asked her out, she accepted!” Raziel explained.

    “We cannot let that happen! What are we going to do?!” Edward said.

    “Hey guys...” Gabriel said, walking towards them.

    “Hey Gabe, do you know anything about that guy Seth from our grade?” Jason asked.

    “Seth? You mean Wayne’s cousin?” Gabriel said.

    “Wayne’s cousin?” Edward said.

    “Yeah, he’s a vampire too. One of the most seductive of the family, may I add, especially with the girls. Rumor around here says that he has never heard the word, ‘No’...” Gabriel said.

    Fairyboy and Jason: O.O

    Raziel: >.< Great, another guy to defend Eleanor from!

    Author's note: To be continued... wow, things are really heating up, huh? I hope you all liked it and rate. Also, please comment or else, Jason and Edward (Fairyboy) just might stop going after Eleanor! *gasp* Well, until next time! Ciao!