• Filled with mingled cream and amber
    I will drain that glass again.

    In his hand, he held another bottle of beer. The amber liquid became a muddy brown through the dark glass. Surrounding him in a semi-circle were identical bottles as the one in his hand– some open, some unopened. Quickly, he downed the liquid in large gulps. His pale hands, unsteady, as he reached again for another unopened bottle. The buzz was there but he needed more.

    Such hilarious visions clamber
    Through the chamber of my brain

    His head rested on his knees as he tried to control the dizziness. The world began to blur, and that was when he felt it, the cold soft caress of a hand against his cheek. His eyes met the amber eyes of his dear beloved. Oh, how her eyes resembled the color of his new favorite drink. She laughed as she quickly glanced at the bottles toppled over on the floor.

    He must be a sight to see. He knew his hair was a tangled mess, not the usual straight and neat, as she had preferred. He had rings around his eyes due to alcohol and of not receiving adequate amounts of sleep. His odor was enough to hint that he had not bathe in days.

    Still she smiled as if nothing had changed, as if she had not died many years ago.

    She leaned into him and placed a chaste kiss upon his brow.

    Quaintest thoughts – queerest fancies
    Come to life and fade away

    He reached a hand out to stoke her cheek as she had done his, but just as he touched her pale skin, she faded away like petals on a gentle wind. The echoes of her laughter still played in his head. Her laughter was one of the few things he still had of her in his memory as time slowly took everything else away.

    What care I how time advances?

    He let out a harsh laugh that spoke of years of pain. It was only with the help of alcoholic drinks did she come back to him.

    I am drinking ale today.

    Again, he reached for another bottle.