It is a time of war! The grand elves are being mauled by the vicious invading lions from the land of Thousand Sorrows. The elves’ home of Dredore has been ransacked and the only other city that can give sanctuary to the elves is a small city called Dolanar. With a massive horde of white lions growing closer every year the elves have nothing to do but wait for the ancient prophecy to reveal their savior. The prophecy states, “A warrior with heart and eyes of gold shall inherit the throne only after choosing his side. If the dark overwhelms, all will be lost, and the snow shall diminish the flame. The world shall lie in his hands and in his heart, for he shall reunite with his family.” At that moment, the elves have given up all hope of rescue from their nightmare. Their only chance of help was from the orc who were banished from their homes by the evil gnomes. The queen was so weak from seeing her city fall, she was dying. In her final hour, she stepped on to the pedestal. And in her last dying breath, she touched the stone tablet in which the prophecy had been written and there she died. At that sad moment, a child was born, with hair of silver and eyes of gold.
The child was given the name Mangeise, and was born on a small farm close to the outskirts of the city. The high maiden of the village, Gotara Delnara, quickly mounted her snow-white mare, Totra, and galloped to Dolanar to relieve the rest of the elven people that their savior has been born.
Over a five-year period from whence Mangeise was born, he had already mastered reading and writing and has started training in the ways of the warrior. His training began with basic defense maneuvers, and since he was an agile child, he was the most achieved of even the master warriors that had trained for years and years. At the age of 17, Mangeise was a stubborn, proud, warrior that has mastered the art of shields, daggers, swords, and standard attacks, even creating his own. His first assignment was to bring three crested lion pelts to a grand elf in the city making tapestries.
As of their custom, Mangeise was to set off that night. He picked up his provisions pack from the departure guard, which came with the standard six days provisions. He set off; the moon just barely had risen, with his pack, shield, wearing his favorite pair of chain mail leggings, his newly crafted mail vest, and his Aranite sword. Mangeise didn’t say good-bye to his mother for she was killed by the lions, now called the Legion, and their leader when he was only 1 year old. The legendary warrior was set on a path that leads into the Pains, a barren wasteland filled with the villainous Legion scouts. Dolanar was located in a valley by the Spine-Back Mountains and in that valley a lush forest grows, blocking out the light so the sun never shines.
Soon after four days of searching for the Legion, Mangeise finally came upon a trail of tracks. These tracks were two feet wide, larger then any other animal he has ever seen or heard that lived in those parts, and it had three toes. The tracks were set deep in the ground, meaning a heavyset animal. Mangeise jumped to hear the soft clamper of padded paws. PFFT PFFT PUH-POM…. In the blink of an eye he was knocked unconscious by a white lion scout with blotches of brown fur.
A hot, putrid scent woke Mangeise with a start. He gazed around himself to find he was in a forest clearing slumped against a large oak with his sword and shield by a carefully made campfire, on the fire was a delicious smoked trout with a sweet aroma emanating from it. In the front of him, owning the nocuous breath, was a ten-foot tall bear with long elven ears, black fur, gleaming grey claws, and a stout snout sitting down watching him. The fur was dew painted as if it has just recently visited a lake for a swim. Out of the upper jaw jutted two massive, sparkling canines. The ears were about seven inches long, same as his, but had a faint tint of black. Its eyes were a deep cerulean. The beast lurched forward, now standing on all fours, opened its jaws to show some more of its dazzling teeth in, what looked like, a smile. Mangeise chose that moment to roll out of its gaze and reached for his sword. With a weapon in hand, he lunged at the bear, roaring his fear inducing battle shout. But the bear dodged, clearly not caring and definitely more then a match for the warrior.
“Settle down, feisty warrior,” the bear calmly asked in a gentle tone. Astonished, Mangeise stopped, mid-shout, dropped his sword, hand still raised, and stood there, as if time froze. Stood there, just stood there, cold as ice, not believing an animal had spoken.
“What is the matter? Oh! I see,” the bear spoke as it looked it’s self over. With what sounded like a laugh it closed its eyes and roared, “Beasteria!” The bear disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke, and in its place a tall, fair grand elf woman stood, with a small grin. A small nose and rounded face gave the elf an angelic expression. Her peaceful cerulean eyes caught Mangeise in awe. Her sweet voice was like honey to a bee, as she announced, “Hello, I am Nightchaser, a warrior from the Circle. I have saved you from those ruthless lions.” Her robe, a stunning emerald, shimmered as she strode over to Mangeise.
“And what is your name, if I may ask?” Nightchaser inquired.
“My name is Mangeise and I’m here for three lion hides,” Mangeise proclaimed shakily.
“Ah. I have extras from my journey. You want them? I have no need. I have also been on a quest, too. I must seek the legendary warrior and it appears I have stumbled upon him, wouldn’t you say?” Nightchaser said in a singsong voice. She packed her belongings as Mangeise did the same. Nightchaser put out the fire and grabbed an emerald and azure engraved staff with a crystal nestled safely in the ivory bark that was hidden in the tree branches of and oak in the campsite.
“Oh, you must come to see Eliare Tre’nara! She is the high maiden of my village and has requested your presence,” Nightchaser exclaimed suddenly.
“Then lead the way Nightchaser,” Mangeise replied.
“Well then, come on slowpoke. Felina!” Nightchaser boomed cheerfully, and with a clap of thunder, the smoke returned as she shape shifted into a deep mahogany, four foot tall cat with coal black protractible claws, a long waving tail, pointed violet feline ears, and soft silky fur. She sped off through an opening in the trees, with her pack and staff slumped over her back. Mangeise could hardly keep up as the cat rushed through the forest, making sharp, bladed turns. Mangeise was standing still compared to the lightning-fast movements of Nightchaser cat. Nightchaser lead Mangeise to a valley nestled in an almost unreachable mountain base. From the perch the two elves stopped at, they could see a beautiful pristine, crystal village filled with busy townsfolk. Nightchaser shape shifted back into her bear form and hollered, “Hop on! The journey is gets pretty rough from here on out. Only shape shifters can make it in and out of the valley.”
Mangeise positioned himself between her massive shoulder blades and along her spine. She hopped down the jagged rain cloud grey boulders with the many claw gashes left by past travels. The rock trail was located secretly by a thunderous waterfall, providing water for the village. The mist slashed Mangeise’s face and created the same dew effect on Nightchaser’s fur as when they first met. Nightchaser leaped down the path with surprising agility for a bear with a passenger but the added weight delayed them so they made it down in an hour.
Before Mangeise could dismount, Nightchaser began bounding toward a colossal tree with a staircase wrapping around it leading up to a brown house in the canopy.
“Tse nam to knoctar!” a guard yelled as the odd pair made their way up the stairs. “Nore same’ nacktu!” bellowed Nightchaser to the guard with a broad smile and a wink. As Mangeise dismounted and Nightchaser shifted back to her elf self, they overheard a guard say to a partner, “Sa treky ty Eliare! Tren suva say!” Mangeise and Nightchaser started to climb the stars slowly, until the guard was out of sight, then the two started to take on the stairs two by two then three by three. They dashed up the stairs and into the brown house. Sitting at an elaborate amethyst throne and dressed in silk robes of silver and navy blue, was a high maiden.
“Tre sey nabre tome nat sa sij norio?” the maiden asked directing the question to Mangeise.
“To laterska norque Mangeise, hreto seq toka ten sum,” Nightchaser answered the maiden, laughing slightly. Mangeise only tilted his head in misunderstanding.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I was not aware you could not speak in Ressil. It must have been hard coming though here four you. Mangeise, you are the chosen one of which the prophecy speaks. I am the grand maiden of this village, Theldral. And I am Eliare Tre’nara.” The elf spoke in a mighty tone, “Our current crisis is so great the orcs have gained news of it and has sent a hippogriff with word that they cannot help. That leaves you and Nightchaser as our chance to survive, you must help.”
At this point of her story her eyes filled with sorrow, “Please go to the top of Dreadmist Peak. There is a cave shrouded by mist, where the lion ruler, Ironclaw the Fierce, lives. Yes, I know he is too close to the grand elven border; that is how he has destroyed so many homes and has taken so many lives. Here, take this horn, it is made from the fang of Shadowlash, Ironclaw’s chief advisor. We killed Shadowlash in hopes to break the Legion four years ago, blow the horn outside his lair and he will come. Please go as soon as possible,” Eliare pleaded.
She snapped and a guard hurried out of a large stairwell hidden underneath a lavender tapestry with an unknown beast pelt stitched into the middle. The guard was carrying a rather bulky bundle of black silk. The guard handed the bundle to Eliare carefully making sure whatever that was tucked inside was not harmed. Eliare held the package with her left hand while she unwrapped it with her right. Packaged under all that silk was an off-white hollowed out fang. The pointed end was carved as a mouthpiece, perfectly fitting the smooth grooves of an elf’s lips. The open end was expertly engraved with a golden snake, slithering down to bite the tip. The perfectly crafted piece was about six inches long. Eliare refastened the silk around the delicate artifact, and handed the fragile package to Mangeise with a petite smile.
“Go now, my guards have prepared steeds for both of you and feel free to gather any previsions before you leave. The store room is the white shack next to the stable where the steeds await,” Eliare called as Mangeise and Nightchaser exited the throne room. The two flew down the stairs almost as fast as they were when they shot up. They were speeding towards doom, the high elves’ or the lions’…
The store shack was indeed, right next to the stable. The black gates looked as if they were oblivion itself. The shack was small looking on the outside and was a pure white that made it look like a panda bear with the pitch-black gates. The two stepped in cautiously, only to find nothing on the shelves and a deep tunnel leading into a massive underground cavern. The only sources of light were the soft glow of fireflies hovering by the stalagmites. All the food was packed in wooden crates. Here is where the goods where kept fresh and safe. Nightchaser hurried to a dozen of crates that held fruit and picked ten Dragon fruit. These are small, sweet, purple skinned, apple-looking fruit with seeds on the skin, like strawberries. Mangeise decided to pack some of those too. He also found some Mackintosh apples to take along with those. The apples where a ruby red with a shine that could blind anyone that sets an eye on it. They both took some of the dried wolf meat so their energy wouldn’t deplete from only eating fruit and bread in their original supply. They exited the storage cavern and started to the bright red painted stable with gold designs of birds and fish painted along the sides. Two guards were saddling a chestnut mare with dark brown eyes and a black mane as long as her forelegs. On her pen was the word Gloria. Two other guards were brushing an already saddled bull. He was a black horse with a white mane that reached his knees, and sparkling green eyes. The word over his pen was Ghost. Mangeise strode over to Ghost with a puzzled expression and stroked Ghost’s mane softly. Nightchaser walked gracefully to Gloria with laughing eyes and a broad smile.
“This is an unusual horse, why?” asked Mangeise to a guard.
“Hey elf, you’re unusual too, so I’d stop talking,” Ghost replied. Then suddenly, from under his mane, two brilliant onyx wings spread out and pulled back in as if to say ‘Don’t mess with me.’ The same thing happened to Gloria, except her wings were a coffee color and had black specs.
“Oh, Ghost give him a break he didn’t know you and I where mystics. Please, don’t mind Ghost you can ride me, Mangeise. And Nightchaser you can ride Ghost, he won’t mind. He’s just cranky,” Gloria announced sternly. Ghost gave Mangeise a fierce eye while he mounted Gloria. Nightchaser mounted Ghost and placed her legs behind his wings. Mangeise did the same. The guards cleared the road so the mystics and they’re riders could fly to Dreadmist Peak, to face the worst villain the grand elves have ever faced.
Gloria’s gigantic wings were swift and powerful, and could easily lift the elf and herself. Her wings started to flap, slowly at first, and then picked up speed. She jumped and the air currents the wings had created lifted and propelled the two forward, up fifty feet. At that height, the wind dropped them with a quick jerk. They freefell straight down with the wind whistling in Mangeise’s ears. With a snap, Gloria jutted her wings out and pulled out of the dive making their speed nearly triple. Gloria tried to yell something over the wind but all Mangeise heard was “Why… over… Dreadmist. …Be careful… may … death.” They continued in silence, at least, Mangeise thought it was silence because the wind made it impossible to hear. They soon arrived at their destination, Duskwallow Ridge; the only place possible for any living thing to land that wants to go to Dreadmist Peak.
Nightchaser, on Ghost, landed soon after. Her hair was knotted and tangled, making her head look like a mop. She was shaking when she hopped (more like fell) off. Mangeise did feel some shock of being on solid ground again but he wasn’t shaking as violently as Nightchaser was, who nearly fell off the rock she was sitting on. Her face was clearly missing blood in her face because she was white as marble.
“What’s wrong, Nightchaser?” asked Mangeise concerned. He picked her up and carried her on the pathway to the peak. With a dark look, Nightchaser finally replied, “Well, you know how fast you were going? We had to catch up, but we took off in the wrong direction and continued for five minutes. We had to turn around and GO FASTER! VERY, VERY FAST!!!” Mangeise put Nightchaser down and continued walking in silence until they found a huge, yawning cave. Mangeise quickly unwrapped the horn and blew. He blew hard making the horn sound like a dragon was roaring, protecting her young.
After he blew the horn of Shadowlash, a shadow covered the two elves. A monstrous growl rang throughout the mountain. A tiger, the size of a boulder, towered above the cave. His fangs glistened, his black fur shone, the red stripes made him look menacing, and his eyes were a deep cerulean.
“You’ve done well, my children,” Ironclaw hissed. At that moment, Nightchaser cat lunged at the tiger, knocking hid to the ground. She roared menacingly at the evil Ironclaw. Mangeise stood there watching; helpless to the confusion of Ironclaw’s words, “You’ve done well, my children…” Then Nightchaser was pinned, each paw under Ironclaw’s paw, then Mangeise realized it.
“NOOOOOOO!!” roared Mangeise, as Ironclaw was about to bite Nightchaser’s throat. Ironclaw stopped, mouth still open about to bite, when he said, “Yes child, you want to die first? Very well.” Ironclaw jumped off Nightchaser and ran to Mangeise. Mangeise noticed a pointed tree branch that had fallen and reached for it, ready to defend himself. Ironclaw lunged; he flew to Mangeise, mouth open and ready to kill. Ironclaw reached his mark and knocked Mangeise to the floor. Ironclaw was laying limp over Mangeise’s body when Nightchaser was watching. He clearly needed help getting it off him but it was hard to tell if the tiger was still alive. Nightchaser crept over and pushed the tiger off of Mangeise with her staff. When the tiger rolled over, there was a tree branch speared through Ironclaw’s body. Ironclaw was still alive although he was mortally wounded! His faint breathing was growing weaker, and his last words were, “You fought well children, I will get you. You will never forget who you are…. I…am…” He died there. Mangeise pulled the branch out of the dead body and to everyone’s surprise… blue smoke appeared. It engulfed the tiger completely leaving a rugged man with cerulean eyes and the crest of the Elven Empire.
“Father!” Nightchaser and Mangeise breathed together. The smoke swirled around the two elves and a light shone and the smoke disappeared. The two grand elves where now dressed in silver robes with the blue crescent moon on the back and the royal crowns of the grand elf empire were snug upon their heads. The high elf kingdom was saved!
Grand Elf Empire
I wrote this in 6th grade when my stories were terrible. My brother snagged the name of the hero male elf and created a Night Elf (In WoW, if you know what that is, I salute you) and then I used the name Nightchaser are one of my first chars, whom I later moved to a different server and renamed.
To my knowledge, this story is still the example used in my 6th grade class all those years ago. Don't rate me too harshly! >_<
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