So what time was it? Late I suppose, but very warm. Must have been quarter past one and the sun was down long ago. It was dark yet those clouds came crawling in angry as ever, never did I see an angrier set of clouds. Who, who was I to be? Was a person suppose
to meet me? It never cross my mind laying in that field, at least I felt warm. My gloves were torn, still could be worse; I mean they did take my shoes last time. Time; time, yeah I had plenty of that. Lots and lots of time, remembering all that was possible to this moment. My mum is probably worried about me, I hope she can fix this coat. Holes as if cut, why did they destroy my anniversary gift? People unguided do bad unspeakable things. I know this all too well; hatred touched by a fallen angels bring light in my direction, who?
Dancing around my body like wicked pixies I could see their eyes. Caring and curious as those of a new born. Was I home, a party maybe? Shouting, speaking did not work, I could not hear a single thing. The movement of the grass, storming of the angry clouds. They made noise, however; I think I was the only who could hear the laughter. I smiled at that thought and the pixies began to swarm faster, seem to be in a rush. Might be a big sale, or was someone coming? Can it all be true? Was the light headed for me, and why were my gloves torn? Suddenly it all got dark again, no pixies, no light and all I saw was those angry clouds. I was wet now, a slight change in my temperature; it was definitely getting colder. The feeling of much happiness was fading, right along with the color of the grass. I think tears were upon my soul. Could I get up? I don't know; ten minutes seems a life to live from moment to moment.
Closing my eyes I reach out trying to move, their is nothing there for me; no sun, no moon, no life, no laughter and no wife. No wife? Now I remember. She was beautiful, so full on exploring mountain to sea. She carried more interest than any cat I ever owned, she wanted so much and I... I... I never was able to give it all to her. Last to my knowledge we were to climb some mountain. I'm here and I can think of all the good things; but her eyes, teeth, that smile I can't remember what she looks like. Why? Why can't I remember, has it been that long? Walk away, walk away, that's exactly what I did. No more laughs, no more tears, funny it ended this way. Slowly I fell apart always trying to please you, now I remember how I got here. Now I remember how it all died. For one instant I thought it was love; tears I should not shed when all is past. I never was the brightest person nor did myself ever win the look for the beautiful people. The soul is lost at the glimpse of every mistake I leave in my path, trying to do what I think is right.
Forget it, forget her, release your chains be free to the soul. I had to move; the grass was wet, full with many colors. Green brown yellow blue red, red? Red like wine, my heart showing through this moment of thought. That's why it fell apart, never a bad word. Never a fist in the face; just words always bringing you up and me down. Change is good, change for you I did and why? Why did I do it? I never was the top pick. The flower for me had thorns and it made me bleed, the pain was nice the change was bad. I did it to myself, I did it to me, I let my mind fall from grace. Now I'll sink instead of swim. I'm too tired of moving, tired of being so low, so out of place. Do I know you, do I know me? Flashing lights, fire works and screams support my best fantasies of life, love and desire. Late nights, hands full of hate toward those who spoke their last. Today we free the cats and spank the snail with a shoe so big. Moving, I was moving; wolves surrounded my skin with wires and gloves of steel. No more clouds, no more grass. These wolves cut my clothes; desiring to touch my skin, my body. Slowly all is black, all is hurt; blood bleeding all around cold. Did I do something wrong, was I to die? It all stops, bright beams of candles surface above my eyes. Where is it? Where did all of the clouds go?
Caught in this sudden flood, crack of lightning to show me the way. Wake me shake me, don't let me go. I must be screaming, dreaming my own death. All to bright, all to right in the palm of my hand; stop moving shaking my brain. Silence, pure music among the living few who dare to listen. Dark, cold am I. warmth, heat take me back to the grass where I may see those clouds. Return of the pixies, they crowd pose to taste my skin. What? The wolves are instructing the pixies; they must want my skin too. Stop clapping, stop all of you. Your not going to eat me! They come they go, drooling over me I bet. Time to run, my legs won't move, deer me I see the headlights coming. No, no not me. You've got the wrong one. I'm a simple person, leave me whole. From this point on all is black, blue a funny color of white. Whispers, echoing voices, distant sounds, pin drop, what are they saying? Did I do it, was I responsible for something? The coldness is gone, my arms float high into the mist of butterflies. Wake up, wake up, my head hurts. Strange music playing in the back ground. Wait I've been here before, my eyes spy a glass of water. Leaky roof, the floor is on fire. Run, move, don't look back. Answer me, please answer me.
The second chapter. Thank y...
This is the only short stor...
sad. empty. LOVE. goodbye.
This is about two woed peop...
When he bests you at your o...
HORROR: A serial killer sta...
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