so…. there is a story…. that happens beyond the peace that we
live….in the other world when there is no peace…
it suppose so….
however.. the people there should be living peacefully…
a thousand b.c ago, there is a black witch… she conquers all that the world have…
the trees,land,water and even air was belong to her….
that’s why the people sacred her…. show her their respect… fear her…. and live for her…
but somehow…. the black witch getting bored… and so, she started to be cruel….
cruel to everyone…. using one magic band… she could make turn a house into a hell…
was said that the witch had turn light into dark…she also managed to
turn heaven to hell….. the angel witch whom rule the kingdom for
years is now a black devil….
for a thousand years… she rule the kingdom with cruelty,inhumanity,and turn all of the people to her slaves….
until now…. no one will be able to be near her even 1 mile…. she is protect by an invincible dark wall….
there is one girl…. suppose to be her slaves.. said that, the
prophecy, has word that the dark that the black witch created will not
be forever…. someday, someone will turn it to light back….
the black witch became very angry about this…. and asked the girl what did it means….
so as it….. the loyal moon will appear along with the cold knight and
the light sword to cut the dark air she made, a super shield to hold
onto the dark power release by the dark air, and a spear to stab the
dark out…. so as the loyal moon to bring light to the kingdom……
the black witch whom now known as the dark queen cannot hold any longer and killed the girl…..
she did not afraid of the prophecy….and continue the cruelty to sent more darkness to entire kingdom…..
few years pass by and until the last village…. the dark queen’s army
notice that a perfect little girl live there…. the little girl which
lighten up any place she goes… the girl that can make people feel
very happy when surrounding her…..
surprisingly the girl called herself MOON…..
as so, the dark queen arrive to the village…..
and notice the girl called moon….
power is strong enough for the army, but not to the dark queen
invincible wall…. her happy power was stopped by the dark queen
wall…. and so, the fight between moon and the dark queen ended and
giving victory to the dark queen…
moon was kept inside the tallest
tower of the dark queen’s old palace and guarded by the a group of bats
which will hunt for blood every full moon…
back to the village, there is something that the army doesn’t noticed….
Moon have a best friend….. while the attack, her best friend hide
inside the earth, so that the queen’s army will not notice….moon’s
best friend dug the hole together with her but she cannot use it as she
was fighting with the dark queen..
her best friend, a boy named Punk Ant continue digging the hole himself….
12 years…. the queen was using her dark power again to keep her body
good and make her soul sacred to death….moon was stuck inside the
tower guarded by blood lust bats and feed by pieces of old black
bricks… the other villagers become the dark queen slaves and trying
to build a tower headed to the sky…..
so, the only one that was
free was punk ant… he was 17 years old, 2 years older than moon….
and still he is continue digging….however, instead of 24 hours doing
digging, he also managed to learn some fighting moves base on the what
his farther had told him….this is the time…. digging make up his
stamina and muscle while the fighting moves make him never lost to any
wild beast he met underground…..
until the very end of the
world… he met a light…. 12 years in the dark, he saw light… he
crawl towards the light… as he approached the light, the light grow
bigger and bigger and bigger… until he notice that the light wasn’t a
normal light… it wasn’t a way out, it wasn’t from the sun…. but
from a sword….displayed on it… the sword called the light
sword…… as he tried to pull out…. the light grew bigger… the
ground shaking…. like it was going to have an earthquake….. until
he fully pull out the sword, the ground shaking wasn’t stop…. when he
managed to pull it…. all he saw was white… complete white… and
faded out….
in his dreams, he saw a big war… between two powers…. the light against the dark
is more… he is the leader of the light power which is armed by
millions of winged angel using a white sparkle sword and gold bow with
a trident spears… while the other side…. lead by the dark queen was
armed by uncountable bloody teeth devils with a scary dark wolf as the
land and devil bats as the air attacker…
the dreams stop there…. it not shows who’s the winner….
wake up…. and realize that he was wearing a complete knight suit,
with helmet, and the light sword at his right hand…. the more shock
is that he is surrounded by something white…. with gold ring on top
of each head…. on of them come out with a spear and a shield called
super shield…. and so he hold the super shield at his left arm and
stuck the golden spear at his back….. he was told that he will be the
leader of the army to fight against the dark queen…..but he cannot do
it alone… so together with them… they construct a perfect lineman
and a perfect army, with perfect weapons along with the perfect
the things will only be able to defeat the dark queen
army…. to defeat the dark queen… he still need help… he need
enough light to his sword so he can cut the dark invincible wall…. am
enough light to hold the dark air around the queen and enough light to
stab the queen…. he need moonlight… and for a moon to shine… he
need MOON……
and so…
when the environment turns to dark
when the fallen light had fall again
when the people are no longer care about each other
when the mother abonden the children
when the leader betrayed the lower
when the only hope had gone to full sky
when the dark takes the hole world
when the light was no longer need here
when the rising knight had fall
when the weapons are no longer useable
when the screams are no longer a scream
when the tears turns to blood
when the river turn to pool of blood
when there is no hope for the kingdom
when the only light source had been kidnapped
the knight rise again
the light getting wider
the angels of heaven are summoned
the sword had been pull out
the shield had been hold on
the spear had been stuck
the only hope for human is possible to get….
the prophecy came true…
Punk Ant turn into Cold Knight…. leading a huge army of angels….
Moon turns into Loyal Moon….. giving all her faith to the cold knight to save her….
so, the war begin….the missions….. to get the loyal moon back into
his arms and turn the dark to light…. so the hell can disappear like
the dust……….

- Title: cold knight
- Artist: mylea mia
- Description: fantasy...please comment..whether it's good or not
- Date: 10/23/2008
- Tags: cold knight
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