Chapter 2- Blood Scent, Part II
I wasn’t supposed to be attracted to something like this.
It was like the scent called for me. This new attraction confused me. I didn’t mention it to Azami or Kinta even thought they might’ve known what it was. I wanted to follow it and find out who the person was. I never did though and I didn’t know what was holding me back. My thirst is what compelled me. The blood’s scent was what called me.
But…why? It was so confusing after thinking about it. Each day the scent hit me harder and the desire grew. I hated the desire to find it because of how wonderful and intoxicating it was. It was like being drunk, only from a smell and only lasting for as long as you were around it.
I shuddered absentmindedly. I needed to go hunt. And soon if I were to control my hunger. First I would have to make it through the city without getting sidetracked. We often fade from place to place, like teleportation. I knew it’d be safer if I did but I didn’t want to. I wanted to be able to breathe in the sweet smell that intoxicated me that I would never let myself have…that sounded slightly odd….
I stood up abruptly and looked to Azami first,” I’m going to go hunt now, by myself,” I said. She instantly pouted, crossing her arms stubbornly over her chest. Here we go….
“But we were going to go together!” she complained. I smiled small and apologetically.
“Sorry. I need to go now though. It’s important,” I replied. She stood motionlessly, glaring at me, never letting her gaze leave mine. Finally she huffed and turned one hundred and eighty degrees.
“Fine. But next time we all go,” she forced me to promise her and I did, luckily not having to explain myself. I was out the door right after and the scent hit me harder than it ever had before. I nearly stumbled and blinked a few times.
It was around six thirty to seven AM now so the sun was just a little higher than it was when I was in the alley. The sun didn’t bother us like human myths said. It only made us a bit tired depending on how strong you are. We just chose to be more active for various reasons.
One- a lot of us aren’t exactly the social type.
Two- it was easier to stay un-exposed. Sure people come out at night- it was a city after all- but it made it harder for people to make out our unnatural features. Like how unusually pallid we were, our strange eye color, and the fact that we sometimes forgot to breathe. We didn’t need to so most of us didn’t unless it was absolutely necessary.
Then you had the complete weirdo vamps that who tried to perfectly imitate the human description of a vampire. I thought these were the vamps that were a hundred or so years over their expiration date, if you know what I mean. The sun was brighter to us though, but we could handle it. Most of us anyways.
I put my breathing on hold so the scent wouldn’t be as obvious to my senses. It seemed to work for the time being so I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jacket and made my way to the street. A few cars drove by, people on their way to work or school. Few people walked in the morning. They depended on vehicles for their morning laziness. I was grateful.
As I got closer to the outskirts of the city the scent became more noticeable, like it was getting closer to me. More and more people were coming out now. The scent was becoming unbearable, like it was right on top of me. I would have lost it if I had to breathe. I clenched my eyes shut as I waited with a small group of people to cross the street.
The ‘ok to walk’ light flashed green and I sighed, opening my eyes halfway. I started out to the street with the rest of the people then stopped halfway across, staring wide eyed directly across from me. My eyes rested on a girl, maybe seventeen or eighteen. She had brownish blonde hair that came down to her waist and dark blue eyes from what I could see. I stared at her in a daze.
This girl…she was the one. She held the scent that haunted and intoxicated me every day. How could it be this girl? This human girl? It seemed so unbelievable that I thought maybe I was mixing her up with someone else. I knew I wasn’t though. People passed by me while I stood completely motionless, frozen in place.
The ‘not ok to walk’ sign flashed red and the cars began moving, none coming my way. I hadn’t noticed anything else anyways. Until I heard someone shout, ‘look out!’ I snapped my head to the right where I came face to face with a car speeding my way. I couldn’t move much in time, the car smashing into me while the driver slammed on the brakes a few seconds too late.
On impact I rolled of the hood of the car and onto the ground on my back, eyes shut tightly. I was breathing now out of natural instinct. I winced slightly, opening my eyes a little. I looked over at my arm which was now bent in some unnatural position. I cursed under my breath sitting up, people beginning to make their way over. Before they reached me I snapped my arm back in place, a sickening crack coming from it.
I winced again then stood up, adding a wobbling effect as the driver and other people swarmed around me frantically, asking if I was alright. I tried to tell them I was fine, a fake smile plastered on my face.
A few of them suggested calling 911 but I assured them I was fine. I had a gash on the side of my head they worried over. I hadn’t even noticed it. It would heal in a few minutes, even faster after I hunted. The driver poured out apologizes and I reassured him that it was my fault because I was standing in the middle of the street. I finally managed to get away from the stressed crowd and looked over to where the girl was before but found she was no longer there. I was slightly disappointed but also thankful.
I turned into the closest alley and leaned against the wall, resting my head on the cool bricks while I tried to gain complete control of myself. Closing my eyes I sighed. I started wondering who she was and what school she went to, remembering the backpack she had with her. I went to school for the experience. To see what it was like to be normal. Also, I could pass for seventeen or eighteen.
There was only one actual school nearby and that’s where I went. She probably went to school there now too. Great. I had been skipping the week because of the scent. Tomorrow was Friday and planned on skipping again because now I knew who the scent belonged to. I was going to hunt twice as much before going back to school where I knew she’d more than likely be.
I stood up straight and shoved my hands back in my jacket pockets and looked up at the brightened sky. Troublesome. Dangerous. I lowered my head back to its original level and sighed, turning and leaving the alleyway, opposite the way I came. A few more blocks and I’d be at the edge of the city, surrounded by trees. Where I could hunt all I wanted without having to kill.
The next day the scent was more bearable because of my little hunting trip. I stepped outside and smiled slightly. Maybe I can go to school today. I thought and glanced down at my watch. School started in two hours so I decided I go ahead and go. Maybe Azami will come with me. With that I turned and went back inside. Azami posed as a year under me in high school, making her fifteen or sixteen. She looked it too.
“Hey, Azami!” I called out from the living room. She poked her head out of another room and looked at me questioningly.
“What?” she asked.
“You want to go to school with me today?” I asked, she staring at me confusingly for a second.
“I thought you were skipping the week?”
“Nah, I thought I’d go ahead and go today,” I replied shrugging. She continued to stare at me and finally sighed, turning back to the room she was in.
“Fine, I’ll go with you,” she called back and I celebrated for a split second in my head. I went back outside and faded to the roof. I sat down and enjoyed being able to be outside without losing it.
The girl’s picture flashed in my mind. I had to admit, she was pretty cute and seemed so innocent. She was slim and to me looked fragile. I imagined holding her and her simply breaking into tiny pieces. I shook my head instantly at the thought of holding her. Even though she looked so breakable she looked like she could also be tough if she needed or wanted to and could handle herself.
That was good. Other than her scent her eyes caught my attention the most. They were a deep ocean blue color but at the same time electrifying with life and energy. They were mesmerizing and confusing. But beautiful either way.
I shook my head again, stopping my thoughts. I didn’t want to keep thinking about her or else….well who knows what might happen? I glanced at my watch and realized I had been on the roof longer than intended. Thirty minutes left until school started. I hopped off the roof to the ground, landing perfectly in a half crouch like a cat. I stood up straight and turned on my heels, strolling into the house.
I grabbed my backpack and called for Azami. She popped up out of no where, already being behind me. We set off, telling Kinta bye. He didn’t care that we went to school; I bet he was happy we were finally deciding to leave the house. He passed for twenty four or so, so he didn’t need to worry about school. He’d probably go visit Carol, his wife, in the next city over.
Carol was a human and knew what we are. Carol was Kinta’s ‘One’. Kinta was lucky. He’d found his One- a human no less- that didn’t care what he was and loved him all the same. A ‘One’ is what vampires use as the word for their true love. The person he or she was destined to be with. Usually they’re other vamps but sometimes, rarely they are human. Unfortunately, humans feared us if they found out what we are.
They rejected us and hated us. Carol was different. She didn’t care. She had found out by mistake one day and Kinta feared for the worst. He turned to leave quickly but she wouldn’t let him and he finally understood. He understood he’d found his One. I asked him how you know who the right person is. He said you just know. You get this feeling and there’s a moment between the two then you realize it. Then your souls are connected. How I do not know. I don’t think anyone does exactly.
I thought it all sounded pretty soap opera-ish but I still thought about it a lot. I’d never witnessed what happens between them when they found each other; I only knew what Kinta had told me. Which wasn’t too much. I guess he couldn’t really explain it. I wondered about that moment between the two when they reach realization. How long did that moment last? Did it depend? What was it like to have your One part of your soul? It was all wonderfully overwhelming.
I was brought back to reality by Azami’s backpack smacked against my head. I rubbed my head looking down at her.
“What?” I asked cluelessly.
“We’re here, moron,” she replied. Maybe she was in a bad mood. Probably because I decided to go to school two hours before it started then dragged her along with me. Well…it was her choice…Eh…maybe she’s just moody today… I thought to reassure myself. I learned one thing while living with Azami. Do not piss off women when they are moody. It only leads to more irritation and more then half the time, pain. Kinta, Luke, and I were once thrown out of the house because we pissed Azami off one day when she was moody. Scary.
I didn’t think about it any further and we went through the big double doors of Hexton High. There were whispers of things like ‘They’re back!’ and girls giggling in groups while some guys swooned over Azami from afar. Annoying. Maybe we shouldn’t have skipped the week…it drew too much attention to us…more than usual. Too late now.
We separated and I headed to my locker. In school we were Azami and Kane Heartford, last name courtesy of Kinta’s brilliant imagination. We had one class together at the end of the day-trigonometry. Boring. My first class was Biology. I closed my locker and started through the hall, slipping past other students that crowded around in small groups and dodged other students hurry down the hall. Surprisingly the scent was no where around here. Maybe I was wrong…
My classroom was fairly large and there were four people per table. A small group of girls were huddled together talking their pretty, annoying little heads off. One of them spotted me and pointed me out to the others which caused an eruption of hushed giggles.
I sighed and made my way over to my seat. Class started soon after and the room filled up quickly. The teacher gave me whatever I missed over the four day period I was gone. I managed the whole period with nothing interesting happening except being overwhelmed with missed work and the bell rang.
On the way to second period the scent appeared and it wasn’t very far away. I turned into my class and saw her. She was at the board talking with the teacher. I got shoved because I was blocking the doorway and sat down in my seat thanking God that I had hunted the previous night. This wonderful class was my History class. Note the sarcasm on wonderful. The teacher pointed over in my direction. Oh, no. I thought. I remembered the seat in front of me had been empty for at least two weeks now. The girl walked over and sat down, not seeming to notice me at all. That was new.
The scent was so strong with her right infront of me. The night of hunting didn’t seem to matter all that much suddenly. Figures. I shifted in my seat and tore my eyes away from the back of her head. The teacher then decided to start class.
Halfway through I found myself focusing on the girl again. Eventually I even found myself leaning a bit forward, dazed to hell and back. Luckily the bell snapped me out of it and she stood up, my head hitting my desk from leaning forward. I lifted my head up quickly and rubbed my forehead sighing and standing up myself. She was already at the door.
“Araya,” I heard the teacher call out. Who’s Araya….? The girl turned to look back at the teacher and smiled, walking over to him. He started talking to her. Well I felt stupid. Oh…. I picked up my books and walked past the two, ready to finally get away from the scent for a while…but fate just doesn’t like me or my karma was off…or something….
“Oh, Kane. I still have to give you your make-up work,” the teacher called. I stopped and sighed then turned towards him, smiling slightly.
“Ok,” I replied and walked over, having to stand near Araya while the teacher dug around for my work. She didn’t even glance at me! It was weird! She kept her smile on her face and focused on the teacher. He finally turned back to us with two folders in his hand. He handed one to me and the other to Araya.
“There. Now both of you can get caught up,” he said and I glanced over at Araya. She nodded to the teacher and walked off to set her stuff on a desk to add the folder to her things. I watched her then turned to the teacher.
“Thanks,” I said and turned to walk off but somehow ended up running into someone sending her books and my books to the floor. I looked up to meet-of course- Araya’s dark blue eyes. We just stared at each other for a moment until I went down to the ground to start collecting the books, she following after.
”I’m sorry, I should’ve been watching where I was going. I’m an idiot…” I looked up to see her staring at me again. She stares now? Probably because of my idiotic rambling. I handed her her books and we stood up.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” she replied smiling at me. Her voice almost made my knees buckle. It was light and warm but soothing and piercingly sweet. I stood there like a moron,” Thanks,” she added then turned to leave but stopped and looked back at me,” You have interesting eyes,” she commented then left.
I watched her leave and continued to stare out the doorway. Interesting…? There was a lot of staring going on today…I shook my head and left as well, headed to the restroom to see what she meant by interesting.
The rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur. I didn’t even talk to Azami in fourth but she didn’t seem to mind. Although she did seem to be in higher spirits than that morning.
That night I layed on the roof, staring at the sky thinking. Not of anything specific- No, of course not. Nothing too specific…except for Araya. My eyes had gone back to their golden color rather than the dark green I had them disguised as earlier when she commented them. It was like when I was around her I forgot about hiding what I am and my mind could only focus on her.
At this point I thought about dropping out of school. It was more risky than it seemed. I felt I’d run into Araya again regardless so it’d be pointless. I wondered why I felt like I’d see her again even if I tried not to. My eyes narrowed.
Who exactly was this girl?
- by WolfsPack5 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/19/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Change [Chpt.2]
- Artist: WolfsPack5
- Description: Chapter 2 of Change. Sorry there isn't much action yet. >.< There will be later on, probably next chapter. I'm not sure though. Tell me what you think about it so far. =3
- Date: 08/19/2008
- Tags: vamp
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Comments (2 Comments)
- WolfsPack5 - 08/19/2008
- I'm working on it, I'm working on it. >.> Lol
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- cariiborealis - 08/19/2008
- You bestfriend says write the next chapter already. That was the deal. Chapter 5 for Chapter 4.
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