Writing Arena SpotLight
- the wolf and the woodpecker by WiFiDucky
- this is a bedtime story i made for a friend about two unlikely friends coming together ^^ hope you like
- A bad day (true story) by secret33
- My seemingly perfect day ended up turning bad.
- mIsz jAnzEn'z wOrk by mIsz jAnzEn
- Ok tO stArt dIs shIEt OUt Im gOnnA tEll yOU AbOUt mE.hEllO my nAmE Iz jAnzEn,I lOvE tO wrItE bEcAUsE thAt's my hObby.I UsE tO plAy A vIOlIn.my fAvOrItE sOng Iz OnE stEp At A tImE. nOw I wIll bEgIn wIth thE wrItIng.Ok Im gOn...
- My x Girl Friend Sabrin by Kid Dynamit
- Hi Sabrina, I really miss you.I think of it like it was yesterday sence we were bf and gf.If you had a gaia then you would get this and get me back on this.I miss you so much i wish i can see you one more time before I go to ...
- wise man's tale by danger_addict
- this is something a old man said to me....
- my love in the fifth grade by xxJenni-sonxx
- idk. i just felt like sharing my second fifth grade love..........
- I dont know if I can explain by iinsanely Sane
- This is what i am currently and have always felt.
- My Light by Emerald Warrior Jewel
- My Light is deticated to a friend of mine who helped me through it. He was my light to help me through it all. I'll never forget him, even if hes gone in body, like in the story, he will never truely leave me. I love him dearly...
- SO SELFISH by nero of the burning flame
- this is what people actually feel including me, understand the pain and misery people fave in every situation this is our lives
- My oldest Friends ... by xXRyuichi_AkagiXx
- one of my my precious memories,
- Life Twards A Nightmare Pt.1 by UnionJackedUpGoth
- A beutiful(but sad)story by RaWr-username
- my first gf by secret33
- The story of my first gf
- Twilight: The Problem Movie. by Sugar Dive
- A quick look at what I find dis likable about the crazed movie "Twilight".
- Meda Bodies Part 2- The Start by andymccurdy
- If you haven't read part 1 before this. In part 2 the story kicks in
- pass it on by narutoman1996
- This is such a sad story i thought about and i joined gaia and found out about the writing so here it is
- Just a Story to write by Ronnie2012
- Just a true story to write from off my back. one less painful thing to carry around
- my pain by 144xXLou-LouXx144
- because of my friend i did't kill myself but i still remember how i was going to do it but i am so lucky that i never went through with it
- summer skool by Meghan DO
- boring