- Title: Miku Hatsune (made for a bud)
- Artist: Yeummy
a friend of mine that has an obsession begged me to draw Miku Hatsune for her and to let you know i never seen this anime and have no attention to watch it!
i kept looking at referense pictures and videos and im sorry if i didnt get a couple of things right >.<
will i hope you liked it :3
Programs: Paint.NET & Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 - Date: 04/26/2010
- Tags: miku hatsune made
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Tayllorr - 08/03/2010
- i dont see any screw ups you did good kid oh and dont mind the kid thing i say that alot to ppl and art comments xD
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- The-Cowboy-Smuggler - 04/29/2010
- cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5/5 i lurv her!!! XD you did a good job :3 ( it's not an anime, she's a voice of a computer program where you can make music and what not called vocaloid :3 people just make fan-made videos of her and junk XD) 5/5
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